

We celibrate the the empty tomb of Yeshua ben Yosef, also known as Jesus, on this sunday.

The body of this Master Mystic was returned into Light.

This Light of Reality is witnessed on the Shroud..

Jesus, through His Knowledge that life is just a Dream , was able to re-enter the Dream , reconstitute the body and appear to His Disciples..

We, as Divine Consciousness are Light, Love, and Consciousness..

Jesus was able to perform what we call miracles, because He knew that all is Consciousness and Consciousness can manifest anything within this Dream..

As He said; " If you believe, and say, mountain be moved, It shall be"..

Belief is Consciousness in movement..

If you believe in the un-self-ish quality of Love, You will live as Love..

Love is the Reality that Jesus taught and practiced..

Love is the state of non-ego..

namaste, thomas

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