
Spirit keeps telling me to speak..

But, what will I speak of?..

Spirit tells me to speak from the voice of Heart..

I can only say that our lives are short even if they appear long at youth..

These lives that appear so real are only dreams of adventure..

We see both good and bad and decide which path to follow..

We have religions that are mired in corruption that lead us into darkness..

What are we to believe?..

Perhaps, we are to believe nothing and accept nothing..

Perhaps, we are to find the answers completely by ourselves..

What are the answers that we seek?..

We feel the desire to attract the energy called Love..


The answer is of course, that it makes us feel good..

'Feel Good'..

These two words will decide your destiny..

Feeling Good is the Energy called Love..

Love is the state of non-egoic consciousness..

Do you understand yet, these words?...

namaste, thomas

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