
amused by the drama...

When Source feels the drama of the human predicament with all its contractions, limitations, and infinite diversity, the overall sensation comes closest to our English word 'amusement'. It is experienced with great humor and a sense of aliveness in contrast to Its normal state of infinite expansion at rest.

We don't yet have detailed enough words to adequately express this phenomenon, but the dictionary defines 'amusement' as "engaging the attention in a manner that keeps one interested or engrossed in a laughter-provoking, light, or frivolous way." Sure sounds like Source to me! Amusement only makes perfect sense when you feel the Oneness rather than the separation.

In the third dimension, everything in relation to God is felt as oh-so-serious. In the fourth dimension, my experience of how Source operates is all playful, amusing, with an infinite sense of humor in Its diversity.

Maybe the old concept of Jehovah conditioned our minds to regard God as anything but playful or amusing unto Itself. But I have to tell you, this is the quintessence of Source in my story.

~ From: Onions to Pearls, by Satyam Nadeen.

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