
The Kingdom is Within...

Jesus, April 6, 2007.

The one condition that determines your salvation
But what will it take to enter the kingdom? Well it will take that you understand the deeper meaning of another of my pivotal statements, namely “The kingdom of God is within you.” For truly, as long as you look for it outside yourself – as long as you think it comes with observances, with observing the beliefs and practices of an outer religion, or speaking in a certain way, acting in a certain way, eating in a certain way, using this kind of oil or that kind of crystal or lighting candles, all of these outer things – as long as you think that doing these things will bring you into the kingdom, you cannot enter the kingdom because you are trying to enter through the wrong gate.

The broad way that leads to destruction is indeed the consciousness of thinking that it is the outer things that will bring you into the inner kingdom. And so in order to enter into the inner kingdom, you need to overcome the focus on outer things. You need to draw your attention within and realize that it is only by changing your consciousness that you can enter the kingdom of God.

Now my beloved, the importance of that statement – and I speak these words primarily to the people in the world, who might read this at some point, or even pick it up from the ethers as it goes into the mass consciousness – the fact of the matter is that there is no automatic path to the kingdom of God. You cannot live a certain way – whether you define this as a good Christian, or a good Hindu, or a good Muslim, or a good Buddhist – and then think that after your physical body dies, God has to let you into the kingdom of Heaven.

For my beloved, the one condition that determines whether you can enter or not, is whether you have put on the Christ consciousness. For if you have not put on that state of consciousness, you will see yourself as separated from God. And how can you enter the kingdom of God as long as you see yourself separated from that kingdom? You see, my beloved, it simply cannot be done!

If you stand in front of your house late at night, wanting to get in and go to bed, and you are trying to unlock your front door, but you are using your car key, how likely is it that your door will be opened? Well, certainly you can see that this is an impossibility. And so can you not also see that if you try to open the door to the kingdom of Heaven by using the wrong key, you cannot enter in? And the only key is the transformation of consciousness.

And what is the key to the transformation of consciousness? Well my beloved, it is the Living Word. For by your words you shall be justified, by your words you shall be condemned. This does not mean that I, or God, or some angel, will sit there and judge you. This is, my beloved, the scare-tactic used by so many Christian churches in order to beat people into submission. They have created this false image that we sit up there in Heaven and judge people, and that we send them to a fiery hell if they do not obey the outer church while they are on Earth.

Well, my beloved – again – obedience to an outer church cannot guarantee your entry into heaven, nor can disobedience to an outer church guarantee that you go to some other place. For my beloved, it is only those who have the Christ consciousness who will enter. And when you have the Christ consciousness, you have become one with the Living Word. You have become the WORD incarnate.

Becoming one with the WORD
And what will it take to become one with the Living Word? Well, it will take what Mother Mary talked about yesterday, the willingness to see in yourself those elements that are not real, that are not in alignment with the WORD , that are based on a dualistic illusion. And then the willingness to see that these elements are not really you, even though your ego might believe that they are, even though you might have been brought up to think that they are. Because as you grow up in this world – where there is so much duality – how could you not come to identify yourself with certain dualistic illusions?

My beloved, this is natural. None of us condemn you for this. We all know what it is like to be in physical embodiment and how difficult it is. And my beloved, many of you have taken on these illusions voluntarily. And why have you taken them on? Because you wanted to demonstrate to others that it is possible to be totally enveloped in an illusion, yet still rise above it. So get on with rising above it and do what you came here for. Realize that you are more than these illusions. Be willing to look at them. Be willing to reach for the Living Word.

My beloved, we give you the Living Word in an outer sense, in our releases, in our books, through many different sources. And you can study these teachings, but the outer word will only change you if you allow it to become the Living Word in your heart, where you integrate it and where you receive, through your Christ self, the inner equivalent of the outer word. The inner equivalent that is adapted to your particular consciousness, your particular beliefs.

Each one of you hearing this will have a slightly different perspective, a slightly different understanding of the words that I speak. This is natural. And so what you need to allow is that the outer word that you hear stirs a process in your heart, whereby you receive the particular words that will help you resolve your particular illusions.

My beloved, there are many people who have a very similar illusion, such as for example in the Christian churches, where they think that by being a good Christian in an outer sense, their entry into Heaven will be guaranteed. But even though there may be a million people who believe in the same outer illusion, each person has a slightly different way of understanding it. And therefore, they have to find their own words that will help them resolve the illusion, help them see that it is an illusion and finally have that light bulb go off inside their heads and say, “Aah, now I understand, now I see it!”

My beloved, the Living Word, the outer Living Word, will help you only by stimulating that inner "Aha" experience, where you suddenly see from within what you could not see before, and what you cannot see with the outer mind. Truly, it is valuable to have an intellectual understanding of the spiritual path, and of human psychology and of the ego. But you can have a very sophisticated intellectual understanding, yet it still has not clicked, you still have not seen it.


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