

Wisdom is not in words, it is in understanding.

Bowl of Saki, November 15, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

What a great thing is understanding! It is priceless. No man can give greater
pleasure to his fellow man than by understanding him.

What can one wish for more in life than understanding? Understanding gives one
harmony in the home with those near and dear to one and peace outside the home
with so many different natures and characters. If one lacks understanding, one
is poor in spite of all that one possesses of the goods of this world; it is
understanding which gives a person riches. ... A life without such understanding
is like a dark room which contains everything you wish -- it is all there, but
there is no light.

If there is no understanding between two persons, words are of no use. They may
talk and talk, and discuss and discuss, and it will only go from bad to worse,
for argument will never end. As it is said in the Vadan, 'Why? Is an animal with
a thousand tails. At every bite you give it, it drops one of its curved tails
and raises another.' Can argument bring about understanding? Never. Argument
only increases argument, and so one can go on till two persons turn their back
upon one another. Understanding is a gift of God, understanding is a soul's
unfoldment, and understanding is the greatest fortune one can have in life.

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