"All right, let's just relax physically and let our minds go loose.
There is no need, right now, for you to be tight, tense, or nervous
about anything at all, there is no necessity for it, therefore, you
can just relax all over and allow yourself to hear the truth that
can't penetrate during your nervous frantic day. Now is a different
time and one day the now will be all day long for you. Now you have
to follow outside directions, outside instructions on how to find
yourself. One day the instructions will be inside and the answer
will be inside and you won't need anyone except truth itself, you
won't need anything but truth itself. With that introduction, let me
remind you, that you don't understand, and it makes you very sad, you
just don't understand why everything is so bad, why your daily day
seems to have not so much of a great crises blow every day, but a
sameness, nothing new, dullness and of course, the attacking thoughts
and feelings that make you feel bad and you don't understand why it
is that way."
Why haven't you found out?"
from a talk given 7/15/1987
Vernon Howard's Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 13, talk 308
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