
Perfect Brilliant Stillness by David Carse...

there is only One
all else is illusion
construction in mind
there is nothing happening here
there is only
One Being Awareness

stillness silence perfection
and in the stillness
a breathing perhaps
as if
there is only One

and all this is that breathing
all this is That
we are That
we are that One
yet not -
not even we are One
because there is no we
only One

nothing happening here
despite what it seems
nothing matters

the One breathing
is an Outpouring of
pure blazing compassion
love forgiveness beauty gift

and I find that I am not
who I thought I was
what I have called 'myself'
is nothing - is an idea is
an accretion of memories
attributes patterns thoughts
inheritances habits ideas
which I can look at and say

not I
I am not this

as myself I simply
am not
no self no me has ever existed -

there is nothing happening
nobody here
there is only One
That is what I - is

I Am That
And That is All

and That is the Brilliance
which all this is -
life death love anguish
compassion understanding healing

the Brilliance within
where the Heart opens and there is
Nothing no self no one
only aching beauty
and overwhelming gratitude
