

All there is, is space appearing inseparably as everything. Not two. In that seeing, the fear is seen through.

A witness is still fear operating from the sense of a separate entity, one that is afraid of what’s happening, trying to keep some distance from it. It’s very easy to hide in words like “awareness” or "being" or "Oneness" and walk around convincing yourself and others of your certainty. This is all in some attempt to avoid the total uncertainty, vulnerability, and unknowing involved in the kind of freedom being described here. It is much safer to just hang out in the idea that I’m watching everything come and go. When there is seen to be no boundary between that which is watching and what is being watched, between awareness and its content, there is no way to know or control what is going to happen. This means one could die in the next moment or win the lottery. And there is a knowing that, whatever happens, that is what I am. I am what is happening. It’s that simple. No division. No boundary. No desire to change circumstances, people, or things. Everything--every thought, emotion, state, and experience (good or bad) just comes and goes, leaving no trace. All is, perfect as it is, just because it is, and that isness is what you are.

Scott Kiloby
for the complete article
Reflections on Non-Separation

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