
Let Go and Grow Happy...

You can spend your time struggling, in vain, to make others into what you want them to be, or you can see the inherent flaw in thinking this way, and -- rather than trying to change others to suit your needs -- see through the false idea that someone else is responsible for your fulfillment.

You can let go of those resentful feelings toward your job, because the treadmill isn't what you are doing but the way you are thinking.

You can let go of trying to change other people, because you are what is bothering you about them.

You can let go of the fear of unforeseen changes or challenges, because all you really ever have to face in any challenging moment is yourself.

Best of all, you can let go of the impossible and unbelievably self-punishing task of thinking that you are responsible for the way the world turns. The only world you are responsible for is your inner world: the world of your thoughts and feelings, impulses and desires.

You are always right where you need to be to take the next step beyond yourself.

-- Guy Finley

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