
Realization of no-self...

The realization of no-self. There is no-self. There isn't s self. There isn't a me. There isn't really an ego. None of it exists. There isn't a person. It's all true right up until the point that you fixate in that realization. Then you realize it's true but its part of a bigger truth. It doesn't mean it's not true, it just means if taken exclusively, you will not see the bigger picture. It's true that there's not a self, there's not an individual. All of that's true but it is also contained with a much vaster truth. I can't tell you what the vaster truth is. It has to be realized but ultimately the vastest truth can't be spoken 'cause if it could be spoken, everything that can be spoken is just a new point of reference, a fixation. But the ultimate truth is all-transcending and simultaneously all-encompassing. Nothing is left out. So in the end you can't say there is a self, there isn't a self, there is a me, there isn't a me. All of these points of fixation with the relative, they are all removed eventually. If we let them. But most of us have great tendencies to fixate in certain realizations. Because they are so comforting and they seem all inclusive. That's the nature of a great insight. It seems completely inclusive. It may or may not be. It's just like that guy, smoking that cigarette, dropping those ashes on the Buddha figure. What he saw wasn't untrue. It wasn't wrong. It just wasn't the whole picture. And if he didn't either have a little voice in his head saying, 'It's not the whole picture. Keep going. Don't throw out what your realize was but don't fixate on it. If he didn't have that little voice in his head or he didn't have somebody he trusted on the outside say, 'Fine. Wonderful, congratulations and don't stop there, don't fixated. If he didn't have one of those two things he could stay fixated almost indefinitely. But fortunately life will come long, come up and hit us upside the head somehow, someway, somewhere, at some point in time and help us to move on. So one way or another nobody gets to fixate forever. That's the fortunate thing. Everybody, everything ends up in absolute total realization. You can't avoid it. But you sure damn well can lengthen the journey there a lot. You can delay it but you can't avoid it................ Adyashanti

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