
Eckart Tolle and Christ Consciousness...

"A growing number of followers of traditional religions are able to let go of identification with form, dogma, and rigid belief systems and discover the original depth that is hidden within their own spiritual tradition at the same time as they discover the depth within themselves. They realize that how spiritual you are has nothing to do with what you believe but everything to do with your state of consciousness." – Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Over two million people from 139 countries around the world have participated in Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle's web-based seminar studying Tolle's recent book, entitled A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. Many have questions as to whether Tolle's teaching is consistent with Christianity. In fact, I believe it is not only consistent with the teachings of Jesus and many Christian theologians over the centuries, but will lead you to discover a depth of insight that will awaken you to living more fully and loving more deeply.

What Is the Message of A New Earth

Tolle asks the question, "Who do you think you are?" You think you have some solid and fixed identity. The problem is that this fixed sense of self is completely conditioned by past emotional pain and projected ideas about the future. This false sense of a fixed self prevents you from living in the present, where you have direct access to your true essence which is no other than an expression of the universal life force.

All things (from planets to pebbles to flowers to animals) are expressions of this universal life force. Humans have evolved to the point where we have the ability to be aware of our oneness with the universal life force.

The false identification with the past and future has the world and the human race on the brink of extinction. Fortunately, this crisis is sparking many people to move from an unconscious state to consciousness. In order to become conscious, you must recognize that you are more than your ever changing thoughts and self image. Learn to be present in the now, because the past and the future exist only as ideas. As you learn to operate from your true essence rather than your ego, you will experience incredible transformation, and the planet will become "a new earth."

How Does the Message of A New Earth Gel With Christianity?

Tolle quotes more extensively from the Bible than any other source. He is clearly impacted by the teaching of Jesus. Further, Tolle renamed himself after his experience of awakening at age 29. He named himself Eckhart after the medieval Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart. Meister Eckhart was controversial, because he downplayed the need for the church to mediate an experience of God, and instead suggested that every person could experience God directly. No doubt Eckhart Tolle is similarly controversial. But then again, so was Jesus who was heavily critical of religious elitism that controlled resources and spiritual truth.

Jesus acted as a mirror to his disciples. He modeled union with God. At one point, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?" He did this to illustrate that people were locked in a number of ideas about his identity. Jesus was the persona they needed him to be; a mighty victor, a compassionate savior, a reborn hero. Then he brought the question closer to home, asking them, "Who do you say that I am?" Now he was urging them beyond personas and roles to engage in the moment with him. The answer came, "You are the Christ, the Son of God."

Mystics of Jesus' time believed that Christ was a way to describe union with God, or consciousness, within the man Jesus. Many Christian theologians have spoken of Christ Consciousness as the awareness of true essence.

How Can This Notion of True Essence Transform Your Life?

There is a poignant scene in the movie Anger Management. Jack Nicholson is the oddball psychologist attempting to draw out Adam Sandler in an anger management class. He asks the question, "Who are you?" Sandler describes his occupation. Nicholson says, "I didn't ask you what you do for a living. I asked you who you are." Then Sandler says he is easy going, and Nicholson says, "I didn't ask you to describe your personality. I asked you who you are." Sandler breaks down in frustration at that point. He is locked in roles and ideas about his identity.

You have all sorts of roles and personas. They are valid and important. Embody them fully. However they are time bound and don't fully capture your essence. Your true essence could never be captured by an occupation, a gender, a religion or a personality type. Your true essence is beyond words and description. You are nothing less than a Christ, a child of God, an expression of universal love in this moment.

Jesus embodied this truth and A New Earth has mirrored the same truth. Are you prepared to see beyond ideas and personas to the magnificence of your essential humanity?

– Ian Lawton

- John Shelby Spong

1 comment:

Steve Day said...

Christ is beyond our imagining let alone our reaching, and this applies to any of the Worlds Great Founders, Buddha, Muhammad etc...any mere human being who really believes they are on the same plane as a being Who can endure torture and crucifixion and reveal a testimony that has revolutionised and shaped our world and hearts to the extent that 2000 years later countries all over the globe are festooned with buildings, monasteries and memorials to Their Name...well if you sincerely believe you are on that level...then you really have some severe issues with the ego to resolve, at the very least delusions of grandeur on a catastrophic scale.