
Being Awareness ...

EXPERIMENT - Being Awareness

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and settle in. Notice your present experience. Feel the various sensations of your body—touch, sound, taste, and smell. Take your time to observe each of these.

Bring your attention to any emotions you may be experiencing. Notice how they feel in the interior of your body.

Be aware of the thoughts that arise and pass through your mind like clouds that come and go in the sky. Don't try to stop or change them. Notice when your attention hops onto a train of thought.

Ask yourself, "What is this that is aware of thought?" Don't think about it. Relax into this background awareness.

Notice the nature of this awareness. Does it exist at any time other than now? Can it be located in space? Does it have any center or boundary? Does it have any form at all? Explore your experience of it.

Can this awareness be defined, or is it empty of all definitions? Does it refuse anything, or is it open to all experience? Is it unconscious, or is it awake, aware, and knowing?

Now be this empty, open, awake awareness.

-from In Touch by John Prendergast

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