
What is Pure Awareness ?...

Being in Pure Awareness brings you into a totally different realm of living. You automatically turn to the inner world and the outer world by taking less thought and more insight to the Source. You become attuned to the Silence at the core of your very being - the transforming life force - the true Self. You realize that you are more than your body and your mind - you are one with everything that is and everything that isn't - The All.

If this sounds confusing, you are not alone. That's because Pure Awareness is very difficult to describe or explain to someone who has never experienced it.

The Inner World, in this case, is the innermost depths of your body; all the way to the cells, the molecules, atoms and further. The inner world is everything in the body to infinity. When you are in this realm you are no longer the body. This inner world is an experience - it is not thinking.

The Outer World is everything outside of your body; the trees, the sky, the stars and beyond. The outer world is everything outside the body to infinity. The outer world is also an experience and not thinking.

You may have experienced Pure Awareness at various times in your life. For example, it may have been when you gazed at a beautiful sunset in awe. For that brief moment you were not your body and you were definitely not in your mind, but you were totally immersed in the beauty and wonderment of the experience. At that moment you were one with everything. That's Pure Awareness.

Neil Crenshaw

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