

(The following is an excerpt from Rose’s paper
he titled, “The Mind.” Though undated, it was
most likely written in the 1970’s, prior to
publication of The Psychology of the Observer.)

The Unmanifested Mind is not demonstrable.
The technique for studying it is. If you would see
the true source of illusion, instead of living
vicariously on the screen of the theatre, --follow
the light back through the lens of the projector.

This may appear utterly ridiculous if taken
literally, but it remains that we must observe the
observer, not the make-believe which all of us
agree is life-drama. We are chained to the
theatre, rather than to a Platonic cave. We
identify ourselves with veritable shadows, and
laugh and weep at their motions. And perhaps
we come back repeatedly to see the same show,
to purge ourselves of Reality in a repetition of
drama drawn from the Matrix of the dimension
of the Unmanifested Mind.

When we observe the observer, we sense several
things. One is that we have been in a dream state,
and must return to a dream state as long as we
are in this body. We observe also that the Dream
State is very real, in that it is for us the only life
for us until we awaken. And it is inescapable that
we must deduce that dream-life is a real
manifestation of some agency within ourselves
that acts as a creator. It is as though we were
born with a false face, which all through life we
accepted as our true face, because it was all we
knew as a face, and because our friends accepted
it as true. The face would literally have to fall off
by accident for us to know that it was not our
true self.

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