

Understanding your position with others is that your only assistance
is to lead them in personalizing whatever you may say. Only that
which they can personalize will be of value to them. Thoughts moving
into their existence that they can have effect that will make them
realize themselves, must be of their creation. So you as a
facilitator must assist them in becoming their own creator. Assist
them in finding that they become what they create. That is their
only source of becoming that which they desire. They in themselves
fulfill their needs and desires. They are but their own source.
They must find that nothing outside themselves, no thing, no person,
and no situation has the power to make them be what they are. All
outside influences do not make the person. He is only what he is
because he is formed and created by his own inner sources. Develop
Love of yourself there. Through this Love of yourself you'll find
your creative ability. Your creative ability will then fulfill all
needs and desires from within and form you into the happy and joyous
individual you were intended to be in fulfilling your purpose for


From where you are all creation begins. For nothing is within each
day except for the fact that you create it. Your thought brings
about your day. The elements, the events, the things, the people,
and situations; are because of you and your ability to create.
Because you ARE, thought emanates from you and this thought is the
transference that light makes into energy. And energy moves out to
manifest whatever you want to create in your existence. It is
difficult to create nothing so what confronts you is to knowledgeably
create with your thought system all that is positive that can come to
you. If you come from the position of existing in a world that
provides you an experience established by chance beyond your control
or by sheer accident or happenstance; this you create to and for the
most part negativism will be caught up in what to manifest in your
unaware exercise of existence. Abandon this. Take charge. Be the
creator you are. Manifest the positive that can be in your day.
Know that you are the one responsible for it, who will do it and the
results brought about will be of your creation, will be what you live
with. No longer will you be the victim. From here on you will be
the creator. Plan out and establish with a total awareness what you
want. Fulfill all you need and desire through your creative
processes and with the knowledge that you bring to you; all that you
send out for.


We all find our direction individually. No two spirits are the
same. Each spirit has his own individual growth wherein working with
his Holy Spirit can gradually gain the knowledge necessary for him to
establish the Peace that will eventually be his. On a day-to-day
basis his guidance leads him to this achievement. Bit by bit the
pieces of knowledge are delivered to him to fit into his particular
growth pattern to bring all the pieces of knowledge into a whole that
will gradually elevate him through growth. This will bring together
his Holographic completeness that enables him to find through the use
of his energy establishment and flow, becoming daily more familiar
with the energy uses to his highest benefit. Through this continuing
use he will find himself at a point of his achievement along with all
other spirits in his involvement.

From the book "Holy Spirit Speaks" by Robert Severs


Availiable on Amazon/books or Barnes & Noble

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