

We come once again out of the silence and into the void of outer presentation. We say, into the void, for it is into that area where the consciousness of the soul is often yet to be germinated and to grow. So it is for this purpose that we come out of the silence and make a presentation that will assist those who have ears to hear and eyes to see and to read that which is offered or to hear that which is offered. We share the
opportunity to look within and to go within to the silence and discover the infinite realm of soul consciousness.

This is an amazing pathway for the human mind, the human energy pattern to understand and to enter into. But it is truly the only energy pattern that is ever occurring within the outer world. It appears that there is much
happening in other realms of experience or of emotional content, or intellectual content, or physical activity, but ultimately all that is done is reflective of what one knows. And if one knows who one is as a soul,
then all that is accomplished, all that is done reflects that truth.

If one has not awakened to that consciousness and is still living in the void of forgetfulness, then what one does in the outer world using the tools of creation reflects that unknowing.

So we come out of the silence to share, to stimulate, to inform and generate an interest and a desire to search and go into that place where there is the unknown to discover that which you have truly always known. So step over the boundary. Come into the silence. Rest in the silence and know that all that you are, all that you can ever be is revealed moment by moment within the silence.

There is no greater path to walk; there is no greater moment of existence; there is no greater pattern of expression than to go into the silence to listen, to feel, to remember, and then to awaken to that which is the real you.

You are I AM, the Love, Light, and Life of creation.................thoughts from sacredwind.

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