
' The Bhagavad Gita '...

#1 “The Gita is not a book of commandments but a book of choices.” .................................. #2 “When your mind has overcome the confusion of duality, you will attain the state of holy indifference to things you hear and things you have heard.” .................................. #3 “Everything we do produces karma in the mind. In fact, it is in the mind rather than the world that karma’s seeds are planted.” .................................. #4 “Actions do not cling to me because I am not attached to their results. Those who understand this and practice it live in freedom.” ................................. #5 “When the mind constantly runs after the wandering senses, it drives away wisdom, like the wind blowing a ship off course.” ................................... #6 “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts; it is made of our thoughts.”

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