
' Raja Yoga Meditation '...

Pure awareness means soul consciousness. Soul consciousness is same as Buddha or Krishna or Christ consciousness.... We are souls... points of light energy in different human body costumes... Our basic qualities are purity, peace, power, bliss, joy and unconditional love for all other souls. ...same like our father/ mother...The Supreme soul who is a point of light energy.... Imagine one lighted matchstick lighting many many candles in different coloured glass chambers... The Supreme soul is the lighted matchstick and we souls are lighted candles in different human body costumes... The basic light is same.. But colour emitted is different which depends on body consciousness..... (anger greed lust attachment ego jealousy hatred laziness fear sorrow stress....).... Rajayoga Meditation helps us to develop soul consciousness and reduce body consciousness. Rajayoga Meditation is constant connection between Soul and Supreme Soul. ..........................................Peace and regards from Brahmakumaris spiritual organisation 🙏

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