
' The Illusion of Life '...

I see this life to be like an illusion and a dream, and I cultivate compassion for sentient beings who do not realize this. ........... Milarepa............................................... To me, life is like an illusion, a dream that we are all living in. It is a temporary state of existence, a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things. And yet, many of us get so caught up in the material world, in our desires and attachments, that we forget to see the bigger picture. We become consumed by our own personal struggles and forget to look beyond ourselves.............................................. But for those who are able to see through the illusion, to realize the impermanence and transience of life, there is a sense of freedom and clarity that comes with it. .................................. This is where compassion comes in. It is the recognition that we’re all in this dream together, and that many sentient beings are still asleep, unaware of the truth. And so, we cultivate compassion for them, knowing that they too will one day awaken and see the world for what it truly is.................................. It is through this compassion that we can spread love and understanding, and help others on their journey towards enlightenment. Life may be like an illusion, but the love & compassion we show towards others is very real, and has the power to make a lasting impact on the world around us.................................. Therefore, let us continue to cultivate love & compassion for all sentient beings....................Isabel Arsenault.......... · #wisdom #compassion #lovingkindness

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