This is a series of wisdom and mystical knowledge that will be examined... This knowledge will present Thoughts from the Mystics of all religions and philosophies... All of these Mystics will ask you to find the ' Source of All ', and to ' Know Thyself '... Enter into the most important experience of your life...
'Creator God '...
I believe that there is a State beyond this Divine Consciousness...
As a soul, you still remain a personality within the Godhead..
The Final Reality is Realized when all Division is Erased by the ending of egoic-desire and Entering the Nothingness of Pure Awareness...
' A Sufi is Thankful '...
“Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighborhood of despair.
Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you.
Be thankful!
It is easy to be thankful when all is well.
A Sufi is thankful not only for what he has been given but also for all that has been denied.”
― Elif Shafak
'The Dhammapada'...
“A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again;
but if he is peaceful,
loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise.”
-Gautama the Buddha
' Seize Time '...
Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved!
That is the only reality in the world,
all else is folly.
-Leo Tolstoy
' What is Love ?'...
Love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in looking outward together in the same direction.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
' True Self-Analysis '...
Millions of people never analyze themselves.
Mentally they are mechanical products of the factory of their environment, preoccupied with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, working and sleeping, and going here and there to be entertained.
They don't know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction.
By evading self-analysis, people go on being robots, conditioned by their environment.
True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress.
-Paramahansa Yogananda
' Yin and Yang '...
If we had not winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
-Anne Bradstreet
' Passing through Life '...
I expect to pass through life but once.
If therefore, there be any kindness I can show,
or any good thing I can do to any fellow being,
let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it,
as I shall not pass this way again.
-William Penn
' The Desire of Possession '...
To live a pure unselfish life,
one must count nothing as one's own in
the midst of abundance.
-Gautama the Buddha
' Great Talkers '...
People who know little are usually great talkers,
while men who know much say little.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
' Understanding Self '...
The problem lies within the definitions of self and non-self..
The first Reality is to acknowldge that You are not the false self called ego
and that You are actually Divine Consciousness..
This is called Enlightenment and requires the surrender of egoic consciousness..
This is our natural state and contains no ego but does contain 'Personality'..
This 'Personality' is called God and is the source of manifestation..
This 'Personality' is Us..
The Final Reality is the state of Nothingness or what is called 'Pure
This is the Void of non-ego and non-Personality..
This is the place that some are speaking of..
This place is rarely achieved by humans while in the manifestations..
It is easier to surrender the 'Personality' of Divine Consciousness while within
the state of 'Divine Consciousness'..
This is the "Crucifixion of Self"..
The Ending of Separation..
Complete Freedom of Non-existence..
- thomas
' To Love '...
To love means loving the unlovable.
To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable.
Faith means believing the unbelievable.
Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
' If We could See '...
If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces,
I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
-Marvin J. Ashton
' Thoughts on a Monday Night '...
I usually speak to Mystics but perhaps tonight I will speak to all readers..
You, that have eyes and ears know Reality..
We see a Revolution of Marxism..
The schools have been busy for the last forty years..
So easy to train the mind at early age..
You would think that mind would develop itself..
But, stars on your report card is most important..
When will the Souls be Awakened ?..
The Media will convince the mind of non-awareness and call it Woke..
But, We continue to See..
We that are Mystics see Reality...
' Happiness' ...
Happiness lies in thinking or doing that which one considers beautiful.
Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
What is really good? The answer is, there is no such thing as good or evil.
There is beauty. That which is beautiful, we call good. That which is ugly
compared with the beautiful, we call evil: whether it is custom, idea, thought
or action. This shows that this whole phenomenon of the universe is the
phenomenon of beauty. Every soul has an inclination to admire beauty, to seek
for beauty, to love beauty, and to develop beauty. Even God loves beauty.
In all ages the various religions have given different standards of good and
evil, calling them virtue and sin. The virtue of one nation has been the sin of
another. The virtue of the latter is the sin of the former. Travel as we may
through the world, or read the histories and traditions of nations as we may, we
shall still find that what one calls evil, another calls good. That is why no
one can succeed in making a universal standard for good and evil. The
discrimination between good and evil is in man's soul. Every man can judge that
for himself, because in every man is the sense of admiration of beauty. But he
is not satisfied with what he does himself, he feels a discomfort, a disgust
with his own efforts. There are many people who continue some weakness or some
mistake, or who are intoxicated by some action which the world calls evil or
which they themselves call evil, yet go on doing it. But a day comes when they
also are disgusted. Then they wish for suicide. There is no more happiness for
them. Happiness only lies in thinking or doing that which one considers
beautiful. Such an act becomes a virtue or goodness. That goodness is beauty.
Man is always seeking for beauty, and yet he is unaware of the treasure of
beauty that is hidden in his own heart. He strives after it throughout his whole
life. It is as if he was in pursuit of the horizon: the further he proceeds, the
further the horizon seems to have moved away. For there are two aims: the one is
real, and the other false. That which is false is momentary, transitory, and
unreliable - wealth, power, fame, and position are all snatched from one hand by
the other. ... Man wants something in life upon which he can rely; and this
shows, whether he believes in a deity or not, that he is constantly seeking for
God. He seeks for Him not knowing that he is seeking for God. Nevertheless,
every soul is pursuing some reality, something to hold on to; trying to grasp
something which will prove dependable, a beauty that cannot change and that one
can always look upon as one's own, a beauty that one feels will last forever.
And where can one find it? Within one's own heart. And it is the art of finding
that beauty, of developing, improving, and spreading that beauty through life,
allowing it to manifest before the inner and outer view, which one calls the art
of the mystic.
' History '...
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
-George Orwell
' Have a Heart '...
Have a heart that never hardens,
and a temper that never tires,
and a touch that never hurts.
-Charles Dickens
' Still the Mind '...
When mind is still,
then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.
-Sri Aurobindo
' Understanding Truths '...
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;
the point is to discover them.
-Galileo Galilei
' Seek Knowledge '...
Always try to associate with people from whom you can learn something.
All the knowledge that you want is in the world,
and all you have to do is go and seek it.
-Marcus Garvey
' Journalism '...
Journalism is one of the devices whereby industrial autocracy keeps its control over political democracy;
it is the day-by-day, between-elections propaganda, whereby the minds of the people are kept in a state of acquiescence,
so that when the crisis of an election comes,
they go to the polls and cast their ballots for either one of the two candidates of their exploiters.
-Upton Sinclair
' Your Jihad '...
Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -
Egoism, Arrogance, Conceit, Selfishness, Greed, Lust, Intolerance, Anger, Lying, Cheating, Gossiping and Slandering.
If you can master and destroy them,
then will be ready to fight the enemy you can see.
' Love is my Religion '...
I believe in the religion of Love,
whatever direction its caravans may take,
for Love is my religion and my faith.
-Ibn Arabi
' Worship '...
Worship does not consist in prayers and in external devotion,
but in a life of kindness.
-Emanuel Swedenborg
' Zen '...
The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one's humdrum life,
a life of monotonous, uninspiring commonplaceness,
into one of art, full of genuine inner creativity.
-D.T. Suzuki
' An Act of Caring '...
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
-Leo Buscaglia
' Nafs Kushi '...
We should be careful to take away from ourselves any thorns that prick us in the personality of others.
Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
We frequently say, 'I dislike him,' 'I wish to avoid her,' but if we examine this carefully, we find it is the same element in all that we dislike, the ego. And when we turn to ourselves to see if we have it in us, we find it is there too. We should forget it, therefore, in other people, and first turn our attention to crushing it within ourselves. We should determine to have our house clean even if other people neglect theirs. We should be careful to take away from ourselves any thorns that prick us in the personality of others. There is a verse in the Quran, which says, 'Arise in the midst of the night, and commune with thy Lord... Bear patiently what others say.'
This is not only a command to rise in the night and pray, but it also means that by rising in the night we crush the ego, for the ego demands its rest and comfort, and when denied, is crushed. The mystics fast for the same reason. The Sufi's base the whole of their teaching on the crushing of the ego which they term Nafs-kushi, for therein lies all magnetism and power.
For every soul there are four stages to pass through in order to come to the culmination of the ego, which means to reach the stage of the rose. The first stage is that a person is rough, thoughtless and inconsiderate. He is interested in what he wants and in what he likes; as such he is naturally blind to the needs and wants of others. In the second stage a man is decent and good as long as his interests are concerned.
As long as he can get his wish fulfilled he is pleasant and kind and good and harmonious; but if he cannot get his wish and cannot have his way, then he becomes rough and crude and changes completely. And there is a third stage, when someone is more concerned with another person's wish and desire, and less with himself; when his whole heart is seeking for what he can do for another. In his thought the other person comes first and he comes afterwards. That is the beginning of turning into the rose. It is only a rosebud, but then in the fourth stage this rosebud blooms in the person who entirely forgets himself in doing kind deeds for others. In Sufi terms the crushing of the ego is called Nafs Kushi.
' What Is ?'...
What is it that is most beautiful? - The Universe; for it is the work of God.
What is most powerful? - Necessity; because it triumphs over all things.
What is most difficult? - To know one's self.
What is most easy? - To give advice.
What method must we take to lead a good life? - To do nothing we would condemn in others.
What is necessary to happiness? - A sound body and a contented mind.
' Mistakes '...
It is all right to make mistakes;
nothing is perfect because with perfection,
we would not exist.
-Stephen Hawking
' Kindness and Truth '...
Do not let kindness and truth leave you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
' Consciousness ' ..
Before the world was, consciousness was.
In consciousness it comes into being, in consciousness it lasts and into pure consciousness it dissolves.
At the root of everything, is the feeling 'I am'.
The state of mind:
'there is a world' is secondary, for to be, I do not need the world, the world needs me.
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
' Don't Believe Everything '...
Don't believe everything you hear:
Real eyes, Realize, Real lies..
-Tupac Shakur
' The Greatest '...
The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.
' Humanity '...
Man surprised me most about humanity.
Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.
-Dalai Lama
' Salvation '...
No one saves us but ourselves.
No one can and no one may.
We ourselves must walk the path.
-Gautama the Buddha
' Own Yourself '...
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.
But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
-Rudyard Kipling
' Look Inside '...
Look into your own heart because who looks outside, dreams, but who looks inside awakes.
-Jane Austen
'The Power of Mind '...
I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind,
and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need.
But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.
-Andrew Carnegie
' If You '...
If you understand others you are smart.
If you understand yourself you are illuminated.
If you overcome others you are powerful.
If you overcome yourself you have strength.
If you know how to be satisfied you are rich.
If you can act with vigor, you have a will.
If you don't lose your objectives you can be long-lasting.
If you die without loss, you are eternal.
' The Thought Police '...
Ideas are more powerful than guns.
We would not let our enemies have guns,
why should we let them have ideas.
-Joseph Stalin
'' Live in the Present '...
Most people are prisoners, thinking only about the future or living in the past.
They are not in the present, and the present is where everything begins.
-Carlos Santana
' Question '...
Question your thoughts.
Question your stories.
Question your assumptions.
Question your opinions.
Question your conclusions.
Question them all into utter emptiness, stillness and joy.
The keys to freedom are in your hands.
Use them.
' Meditation '...
The greatest help to spiritual life is meditation.
In meditation we divest ourselves of all material conditions and feel our divine nature.
We do not depend upon any external help in meditation.
The touch of the soul can paint the brightest color even in the dingiest places;
it can cast a fragrance over the vilest thing;
it can make the wicked divine-and all enmity,
all selfishness is effaced.
-Swami Vivekananda
' Tolerating what is Wrong '...
Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted,
when we tolerate what we know to be wrong,
when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened,
when we fail to speak up and speak out,
we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.
-Robert Kennedy
' Confusion '...
.."in Zen practice, we don't ignore confusion when it appears;
we actually welcome it.
When confusion arises in our practice,
it means that we have discovered something new.
The feeling of confusion is an indication
that we are trying to understand something.
So welcoming confusion is actually an expression of wisdom."
~ Les Kaye
' Tasting the Truth '...
Most people, including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance.
We are even comfortable with that ignorance, because it is all we know.
When we first start facing truth, the process may be frightening, and many people run back to their old lives.
But if you continue to seek truth, you will eventually be able to handle it better.
In fact, you want more!
It's true that many people around you now may think you are weird or even a danger to society, but you don't care.
Once you've tasted the truth, you won't ever want to go back to being ignorant..
' Illusions Destroyed '...
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because,
they don't want their illusions destroyed.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
' We Destroyed Ourselves '...
America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
-Abraham Lincoln
' The Mind is Ego '...
The human mind is also the Ego,,
therefore, this false sense of Self must be lost,
to Awaken into the Reality of No separate self from Source...
' The Truth '...
The truth is like a lion;
you don’t have to defend it.
Let it loose; it will defend itself.
Saint Augustine
' Happiness '...
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn.
It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.
-Denis Waitley
' Beginning Today '...
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight.
Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward.
Your life will never be the same again.
-Og Mandino
' Happiness'...
Happiness lies in thinking or doing that which one considers beautiful.
Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
What is really good? The answer is, there is no such thing as good or evil.
There is beauty. That which is beautiful, we call good. That which is ugly
compared with the beautiful, we call evil: whether it is custom, idea, thought
or action. This shows that this whole phenomenon of the universe is the
phenomenon of beauty. Every soul has an inclination to admire beauty, to seek
for beauty, to love beauty, and to develop beauty. Even God loves beauty.
In all ages the various religions have given different standards of good and
evil, calling them virtue and sin. The virtue of one nation has been the sin of
another. The virtue of the latter is the sin of the former. Travel as we may
through the world, or read the histories and traditions of nations as we may, we
shall still find that what one calls evil, another calls good. That is why no
one can succeed in making a universal standard for good and evil. The
discrimination between good and evil is in man's soul. Every man can judge that
for himself, because in every man is the sense of admiration of beauty. But he
is not satisfied with what he does himself, he feels a discomfort, a disgust
with his own efforts. There are many people who continue some weakness or some
mistake, or who are intoxicated by some action which the world calls evil or
which they themselves call evil, yet go on doing it. But a day comes when they
also are disgusted. Then they wish for suicide. There is no more happiness for
them. Happiness only lies in thinking or doing that which one considers
beautiful. Such an act becomes a virtue or goodness. That goodness is beauty.
Man is always seeking for beauty, and yet he is unaware of the treasure of
beauty that is hidden in his own heart. He strives after it throughout his whole
life. It is as if he was in pursuit of the horizon: the further he proceeds, the
further the horizon seems to have moved away. For there are two aims: the one is
real, and the other false. That which is false is momentary, transitory, and
unreliable - wealth, power, fame, and position are all snatched from one hand by
the other. ... Man wants something in life upon which he can rely; and this
shows, whether he believes in a deity or not, that he is constantly seeking for
God. He seeks for Him not knowing that he is seeking for God. Nevertheless,
every soul is pursuing some reality, something to hold on to; trying to grasp
something which will prove dependable, a beauty that cannot change and that one
can always look upon as one's own, a beauty that one feels will last forever.
And where can one find it? Within one's own heart. And it is the art of finding
that beauty, of developing, improving, and spreading that beauty through life,
allowing it to manifest before the inner and outer view, which one calls the art
of the mystic.
' God has many Names '...
God has many names,,
That is why I call Divine Consciousness the name of Source...
Out of Nothing, comes Everything..
This can only happen in a Dream..
This is the Daily Dream that We are Experiencing ..
The Only way out of the Dreaming State is the experience of Enlightenment...
' Seeking Love '...
“Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
― Rumi
' Your Time is Limited '...
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.
Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
-Steve Jobs
' The Greatest Misfortune '...
Whoever gives nothing,
has nothing.
The greatest misfortune is not to be unloved,
but not to love.
-Albert Camus
' Distroying History '...
The most effective way to destroy people,
is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
-George Orwell
' The Gospel of Thomas '...
Translated by Stephen J. Patterson and James M. Robinson*
These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke.
And Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down.
(1) And he said: “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death.”
(2) Jesus says:
(1) “The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds.
(2) And when he finds, he will be dismayed.
(3) And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished.
(4) And he will be king over the All.”
' What is God ?'...
God is the Mind that You Are and refuse to Believe..
Unconditional Love is the Bonding Frequency of the Mind..
This Mind called Source and often called God...
' Inflation '...
Nations are not ruined by one act of violence,
but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner by the depreciation of their circulating currency,
through its excessive quantity.
-Nicolaus Copernicus
' The Laws of Nature '...
The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.
-Galileo Galilei
' Have a Beer '...
Whoever drinks beer,
he is quick to sleep;
whoever sleeps long,
does not sin;
whoever does not sin,
enters Heaven!
Thus, let us drink beer!
-Martin Luther
' Past and Future '...
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past.
Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
-John F. Kennedy
' Thoughts on a Tuesday Night '...
Why is the World in a State of Anger ?...
Throughout history, we witness revolutions..
They always involve Death..
Why do humans kill ?..
The Ego is Strong within these humans..
It is a Good Thing that this Dream will only exist for a hundred years..
But, then, the Ones that Desire to Reincarnate, will begin the Circle Again..
What's the Answer ?..
Surrender the Desire for Existence..
This is the Desire that Keeps You Trapped..
There is only 'One',, All else is a Dream...
' The First Amendment '...
Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
-Benjamin Franklin
' The Secret Art '...
Be kind to others,
so that you may learn the secret art of being kind to yourself.
-Paramahansa Yogananda
' Power of the Universe '...
Just as, when we touch a live wire, the electric force infuses itself into our body,
when we deeply meditate on God,
the power of the whole universe seeks entry into our personality.
-Krishnananda Saraswati
' Peace Within '...
If you do not find peace within, you will not find it anywhere else.
The Goal of Life is the attainment of Peace and not the achievement of power, name, fame and wealth.
' You Are Here '...
If you make a serious effort to observe yourself,
you will realise that
ordinarily, whatever you do,
whatever you think,
whatever you feel,
you do not
remember yourself.
You do
not realise that you are present,
that you are here.
P. D. Ouspensky
' Me', Never Existed '...
In this moment – for you, right now –
there is a clear
light of awareness in which everything is appearing.
It is what you are.
You are that! It is free, totally
unobscured, full and complete.
Christ said, 'I am the
light of the world'.
You, as that awareness, can say
the same thing.
Separation from that is a total illusion.
It never happened, except in imagination.
It is based
on a 'me' that never existed.
It is just a wrong idea.
~ John Wheeler
Awakening to the Natural State
via Along The Way
' You Are '...
You are my face:
no wonder I don't see You:
such closeness is a mystifying veil.
You are my reason:
it's no wonder I don't see You,
because of all this perplexity of thought.
You are nearer to me than my jugular vein.
- Rumi
Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski
"Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance"
Threshold Books, 1996
' Understanding Self '...
The problem lies within the definitions of self and non-self..
The first Reality is to acknowledge that You are not the false self called ego
and that You are actually Divine Consciousness..
This is called Enlightenment and requires the surrender of egoic consciousness..
This is our natural state and contains no ego but does contain 'Personality'..
This 'Personality' is called God and is the source of manifestation..
This 'Personality' is Us..
The Final Reality is the state of Nothingness or what is called 'Pure
This is the Void of non-ego and non-Personality..
This is the place that some are speaking of..
This place is rarely achieved by humans while in the manifestations..
It is easier to surrender the 'Personality' of Divine Consciousness while within
the state of 'Divine Consciousness'..
This is the "Crucifixion of Self"..
The Ending of Separation..
Complete Freedom of Non-existence..
- thomas
' Happiness '...
Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands,
but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.
-Maxim Gorky
' The Smaller the Fraction '...
A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself.
The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.
-Leo Tolstoy
' The Beauty Around Us '...
It's the beauty within us that makes it possible for us to recognize the beauty around us.
The question is not what you look at but what you see.
-Henry David Thoreau
' Waiting for Transition '...
As the Truthful joke states ;
"Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but, no-one wants to Die"..
This Attachment to the material realm keeps us as Slaves..
The Reincarnation Scam keeps you in the Circle Game..
You are not the soul that needs to atone for sins..
Sin is the Distance that you are from Light..
Only upon Enlightenment, will you Awaken from this Dream of Ego..
This is why we Honor, Mystics, such as Christ and Buddha..
These nomenclatures are not the surname, they designate loss of ego attachment..
They are the few that break through..
If you want to be free of pain,
then you must surrender everything,
especially the desire for separate life structure from Source...
' Optimist and Pessimist '...
An optimist may see a light where there is none,
but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
-Rene Descartes
' Be a Free Thinker '...
Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth.
Be critical and evaluate what you believe in.
' What is Source ? '...
Gravity explains the motions of the planets,
but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.
-Isaac Newton
' Don't Give Up '...
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
-Thomas A. Edison
' Goodbyes '...
Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.
' What is Real ? '...
Everything we call real,
is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.
-Niels Bohr
' Seeking Source '...
My brain is only a receiver,
in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.
I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.
-Nikola Tesla
' Ram Tzu Knows This '...
Ram Tzu knows this. . .
The fear never leaves you.
It is part of you
As tied to your center as your breath.
Touch it,
Stroke it
Get to know it well.
As long as you are
It will be with you.
You scream
You shout
You rage
You want quit of it.
You push it away with all your strength.
But hear this. . .
It thrives on all the exercise
You give it.
It gets stronger when
You give it something to push up against.
Left alone it will wither and die.
But you know you can not leave it alone.
You must always fight the fear.
It is your nature to always fight.
Yet sometimes there is Grace . . .
You disappear into it
And there is no longer a battle.
The warrior is gone.
- Ram Tzu
' Will I be able to Dream? '...
These were the last words from Hal the Computer aboard the starship, as he was
being switched off..
This scene flashed within my mind as I was contemplating
the dream state..
Hal was facing extinction and was willing to except it as long
as he could Dream..
He was seeking a perpetual life as a separate
entity as long as he could continue to Dream..
This is exactly what we are
The Dream is where we are participating by using time as an instrument
of memory and expectation..
The dream is life..
you must surrender the Dream and
gladly accept non-life, non-existence, and non-ego to escape into Reality and
Awaken from the dream...
- thomas
' The Same Direction '...
Love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in looking outward together in the same direction.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
' To Be Okay '...
How beautiful to find a heart that loves you,
without asking you for anything, but to be okay.
-Khalil Gibran
' Usefulness '...
'Function comes from what is there,
Usefulness from what is not there'.
~Tao Te Ching ~
' The Greatest Fear '...
The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others.
And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion.
A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.
' Choice is the Key '...
Choice is the key, because human beings are the only creatures who can choose to evolve, who can shape their destiny.
Furthermore, we have been given the gift of "self-awareness,"
which allows us to step back into our true selves to observe and use our brains to create the world we wish to live in.
-Deepak Chopra
' Opportunity or Obstacle '...
With everything that has happened to you,
you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift.
Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing.
You get to choose.
-Wayne Dyer
' What is Real? '...
What is Real is rarely spoken of..
We believe that we are human manifestations..
all illusions dissolve..
we call this death..
What is Real does not dissolve,
It is called Mind ,
or what some call Source...
' It's Becoming Critical '...
Times are difficult globally; awakening is no longer a luxury or an ideal.
It’s becoming critical.
We don’t need to add more depression, more discouragement, or more anger to what’s already here.
It’s becoming essential that we learn how to relate sanely with difficult times.
The earth seems to be beseeching us to connect with joy and discover our innermost essence.
This is the best way that we can benefit others.
-Pema Chodron
' Rational Thinking '...
There seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking.
The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance.
They were idolized and treated as leaders;
their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously-after all
, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important ...
so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too,
even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.
-Robert A. Heinlein
' Education '...
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
-Albert Einstein
' Tomorrow'...
"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out brief, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
~ R. H. Blyth
' Nothingness '...
Money and Possessions come from working within the knowledge that you love and want to learn more about..
It is the pursuit of Happiness..
If you Realize that they are just illusions that disappear as does your body,
you no longer have desires for these things..
This is where the Wisdom of No-Thing-Ness is encountered..
' Being Sane '...
“I'm simply saying that there is a way to be sane. I'm saying that you can get rid of all this insanity created by the past in you. Just by being a simple witness of your thought processes.
It is simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts, passing before you. Just witnessing, not interfering not even judging, because the moment you judge you have lost the pure witness. The moment you say “this is good, this is bad,” you have already jumped onto the thought process.
It takes a little time to create a gap between the witness and the mind. Once the gap is there, you are in for a great surprise, that you are not the mind, that you are the witness, a watcher.
And this process of watching is the very alchemy of real religion. Because as you become more and more deeply rooted in witnessing, thoughts start disappearing. You are, but the mind is utterly empty.
That’s the moment of enlightenment. That is the moment that you become for the first time an unconditioned, sane, really free human being.”
― Osho
' Someone Fills the Cup '...
Something opens our wings.
Something makes boredom and hurt disappear.
Someone fills the cup in front of us:
We taste only sacredness.
' Nothing to Desire '...
When I say ‘I am’,
I do not mean a separate entity with a body as its nucleus,
I mean the totality of being, the ocean of consciousness,
the entire universe of all that is known.
I have nothing to desire for I am complete forever
- Nisargadatta
' Pope Arrested for Believing in Reincarnation '...
History records that the early Christine church believed in Reincarnation and of the souls journey back to oneness with God. This all changed by Emperial decree some 500 plus years after the death of Christ.
Emperor Justinian in 545 A.D. was able to apply the full power of Rome and his authority to stop the belief in reincarnation. He forced the ruling cardinals to draft a papal decree stating that anyone who believes that souls come from God and return to God will be punished by death. The actual decree stated:
“If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema. (The Anathemas against Origen), attached to the decrees of the Fifth Ecumenical Council, A.D. 545, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2d ser., 14: 318).”
What does it mean when it says monstrous restoration? This passage is aimed straight at the teachings handed down from Yeshua (Jesus) the Christ to his disciples that mankind came from God and was destined to become one with God as he was one with God. When the Jews tried to stone him for calling himself the son of God, Jesus responded by reminding them that were all gods.
John 10:33 "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God." 34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'? 35 If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came--and the Scripture cannot be broken-- 36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'? NIV
Later, just before Christ was crucified, he revealed in a prayer that he wanted his disciple to become one with God just as he was.
Jesus Prays for All Believers
John 17:20"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. NIV
A prominent theologian named Origen wrote around 250 AD about the pre-existence of the soul. He taught that the soul’s very source was God and that the soul was traveling back to oneness with God via the lessons learned in multiple lives. He taught that Christ came to show us what we can become. For centuries this was the mainstream view of Christianity but 300 years later it became a huge issue and the belief was made illegal because Emperor Constantine believed it was dangerous to the Empire to believe in reincarnation.
In the sixth century A.D., Emperor Justinian and Pope Vigilius disagreed on whether or not the teachings of Origen should be condemned as heresy. The Pope supported the teaching as being consistent with the teachings of Jesus the Messiah. The Emperor was determined to eradicate the belief even though the Pope and the church believed in reincarnation. The fact that the doctrine of reincarnation had been a part of Christian theology for over 500 years did not sway the Emperor.
Origen's writings were considered heresy by important cardinals in the sixth century. Origen's teachings had been considered as profound spiritual wisdom for three centuries. Origen lived around 250 AD and wrote about the pre-existence of the soul and in reincarnation. He taught that the soul’s very source was God and that the soul’s was traveling back to oneness with God via Reincarnation.
Emperor Justinian wanted Origen’s writings and teachings to be condemned and destroyed but Pope Vigilius refused to sign a papal decree condemning Origen's teachings on reincarnation. As a result of his disobedience, the Emperor had the Pope arrested and put into jail. In 543, Justinian convoked the Fifth General Council of the Church and told the Pope he would sign whatever into doctrine whatever the council decided. On the way there, under guard, the Pope escaped to avoid being forced to condemn Origen’s writings. The Emperor commanded the council to continue despite the Pope’s refusal to attend.
There was a logical reason why the Emperor was opposed to the concept that all of mankind originally came from God and was returing to God via the cycle of birth and death. Justinian had been convinced by high ranking cardinals that it was not in the interest of the empire to allow Origen's writings to continue to be copied and distributed. A powerful group of Cardinal’s and Bishop’s explained that if every soul had once pre-existed with God, then Christ wasn’t anything special to have come from God. These Cardinals convinced the Emperor that if people realized they were the children of God they might begin to believe they no longer needed an Emperor, or to pay taxes, or to obey the Holy Church. But since they reasoned that only Christ had come from God but God made brand new souls at the time of conception and only the Holy Church could bring these souls to God. Without the protection of the Empire or the guidance of the church, all people would be doomed to be forever cut off from God in Hell. This doctrine was very acceptabloe to the Emperor. Once Justinian understood the political danger inherent in Origen’s teachings, the rest was simply an Emperor doing what was in his best interest.
The council, as instructed by the Emperor, produced fourteen new anathemas and the very first one condemned reincarnation and the concept that souls pre-existed with God.
"If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema."
Even though these events are in the history books, modern Christianity treats the doctrine of reincarnation today as if Jesus never taught it or that the early church ever believed it. The fact that a soul comes from God and is destined to become God, as Christ is God, is the very reason why Satan rebelled.
Reincarnation is one of the Lost Doctrines of Christianity...............from the Reluctant Messenger...
' The Name of the Secret '...
Tis a secret:
none knows how it comes, how it goes:
But the name of the secret is Love!
-Lewis Carroll
' Owning Yourself '...
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.
But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
-Rudyard Kipling
' Being Understood '...
Think like a wise man,
but communicate in the language of the people.
-William Butler Yeats
' Laws '...
Laws are like cobwebs,
which may catch small flies,
but let wasps and hornets break through.
-Jonathan Swift
' A False Direction '...
Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to publick opinion.
This is the weak point of our defenses, and the part to which the enemies of the system will direct all their attacks.
Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem the true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of the nation to appear insignificant, and trifles of moment;
in a word, the right the wrong, and the wrong the right.
-James F. Cooper
Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued,
is always just beyond your grasp,
but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
' The Questioner '...
The question 'Who am I?'
is not really meant to get an answer,
the question 'Who am I?'
is meant to dissolve the questioner.
-Ramana Maharshi
' The Beginning of your Freedom '...
The divine within you is stronger than anything that is without you.
Therefore, be not afraid of anything.
Rely on your own Inner Self, the Divinity within you.
Tap the source through looking within.
Improve yourself. Build your character. Purify the heart.
Develop the divine virtues.
Eradicate evil traits.
Conquer all that is base in you.
Endeavor to attain all that is worthy and noble.
Make the lower nature the servant of the higher through discipline, Tapas, self-restraint and meditation.
This is the beginning of your freedom.
' Waiting for Transition '...
As the Truthful joke states ;
"Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but, no-one wants to Die"..
This Attachment to the material realm keeps us as Slaves..
The Reincarnation Scam keeps you in the Circle Game..
You are not the soul that needs to atone for sins..
Sin is the Distance that you are from Light..
Only upon Enlightenment, will you Awaken from this Dream of Ego..
This is why we Honor, Mystics, such as Christ and Buddha..
These nomenclatures are not the surname, they designate loss of ego attachment..
They are the few that break through..
If you want to be free of pain,
then you must surrender everything,
especially the desire for separate life structure from Source...
' The Way to Happiness '...
The way to happiness is:
keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry.
Live simply, give much.
Fill your life with love.
Do as you would be done by.
-Gautama the Buddha
' The Storm '...
And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.
That’s what this storm’s all about.
-Haruki Murakami
' Saints are Everywhere '...
You meet saints everywhere.
They can be anywhere.
They are people behaving decently in an indecent society.
-Kurt Vonnegut
' Mindfulness '...
Mindfulness means moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness.
It is cultivated by refining our capacity to pay attention,
intentionally, in the present moment,
and then sustaining that attention over time as best we can.
In the process, we become more in touch with our life as it is unfolding.
-Jon Kabat-Zinn
' Worries are Pointless '...
Worries are pointless.
If there's a solution, there's no need to worry.
If no solution exists, there's no point to worry.
-Matthieu Ricard
' Compassion '...
When we finally know we are dying,
and all other sentient beings are dying with us,
we start to have a burning,
almost heartbreaking sense of the fragility and preciousness of each moment and each being,
and from this can grow a deep, clear, limitless compassion for all beings.
-Sogyal Rinpoche
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