
' Samsara '...

“The most subtle type of obscuration is to simply conceive of something – like simply thinking, “It is.”

Any notion we may hold is still a way of conceptualizing the three spheres: subject, object and action.

Whenever there is a thought which conceives the three spheres, karma is created.

People ask, ‘What is karma? I don’t get it! Where is karma?”

In fact, karma is our mind conceiving something. Karma is the doings of conceptual mind.

This subtle forming of a notion of anything is like a web, a haze that obscures our innate suchness just as mist obscures the sun from being vividly seen.

The great master Nagarjuna said, “There is no samsara apart from your own thoughts.” Samsara is based on thought; samsara is made by thought.”

-Dzogchen teacher, Chokyi Nyima:

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