
Garth Brooks - If Tomorrow Never Comes (live 1989)

' The Eternal Existence '...

However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing. ....................... George Orwell

' Practice any Art '...

Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow. ......................... Kurt Vonnegut

' Ready to Learn '...

People only ask questions when they're ready to hear the answers. ....................... John Irving

' Precious '...

But if you knew you might not be able to see it again tomorrow, everything would suddenly become special and precious, wouldn’t it? ................................ Haruki Murakami

' Hard to Find '...

If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you're okay. Who watches out or you and wants the best for you. Who loves and respects you. Don't let them go. People like that are hard to find. ................................ Franz Kafka

' The Present Moment '...

There is not past, no future; everything flows in an eternal present. .......................... James Joyce

' The Hardest Challenge '...

The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else. .............................. e. e. cummings

Avicii - Hey Brother (Live in Uncasville, True Tour 2014)

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)

' Ask a Question '...

The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life. ....................... Confucius

' History '...

What history teaches us is that neither nations nor governments ever learn anything from it. ........................ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

' Losing the Ego '...

I find myself only by losing myself. ................. Paul Ricoeur

' Veils of Ignorance '...

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon then from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins the journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of the crowd, and by choosing knowledge over veils of ignorance. ............................. Henri Bergson

' The End of this Manifestation '...

The "end of a world" never is and never can be anything but the end of an illusion .................... Rene Guenon

' Worship '...

Worship does not consist in prayers and in external devotion, but in a life of kindness. ........................ Emanuel Swedenborg

' Personal Advancement '...

For our personal advancement in virtue and truth one quality is sufficient, namely, love; to advance humanity there must be two, love and intelligence; to accomplish the Great Work there must be three love, intelligence, and activity. And yet love is ever the root and the source. .......................... Louis Claude de Saint-Martin

One Tin Soldier - The Original Caste [Original]

' Immortal Life '...

O my soul, do not aspire to immortal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible. ......................... Pindar

' Over the Door '...

Over the door of the library in Thebes is the inscription "Medicine for the soul. ............................. Diodorus Siculus

' Ambition '...

Remember that life holds out many pleasing deceits to us by the vanity of glory; for that when we are beginning to live, then we are dying. There is, therefore, nothing more profitless than ambition. ............................... Theophrastus

' Poor Health '...

When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless. ............................ Herophilos

' Realizing Divinity '...

Prayer is that which enables the soul to realize its divinity. Through prayer human beings worship absolute truth, and seek an eternal reward. Prayer is the foundation-stone of religion; and religion is the means by which the soul is purified of all that pollutes it. Prayer is the worship of the first cause of all things, the supreme ruler of all the world, the source of all strength. Prayer is the adoration of the one whose being is necessary. ............................ Avicenna

' What We Are '...

We each decide whether to make ourselves learned or ignorant, compassionate or cruel, generous or miserly. No one forces us. No one decides for us, no one drags us along one path or the other. We are responsible for what we are. .............................. Maimonides

' Tell Me '...

Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are. ...................... Carl Schmitt

' Time and Space '...

Love is the time and space where "I" give myself the right to be extraordinary. ........................ Julia Kristeva

' Without Language '...

Without language, thought is a vague, uncharted nebula. ..................... Ferdinand de Saussure

' The Attack on Truth '...

The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world - and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end - is being destroyed. .............................. Hannah Arendt

Zager & Evans - In the Year 2525


' Divine Love '...

Ordinary love is selfish, darkly rooted in desires and satisfactions. Divine love is without condition, without boundary, without change. The flux of the human heart is gone forever at the transfixing touch of pure love. .............................. Sri Yukteswar Giri

' Know the Source of Love '...

Always remember that you belong to no one, and no one belongs to you. Reflect that some day you will suddenly have to leave everything in this world - so make the acquaintanceship of God now. ......................... Lahiri Mahasaya

' Courage is Important '...

Courage is the most important thing...Wake up yourselves and others. Control your mind and have firm determination... Be firm like a rock, deep and serious like the sea. Think of the earth as a mother. Have great courage and patience - and be not afraid of water, fire or great storms - face them bravely. Face the fire and it will turn to ice. This requires control of mind and a firm determination. ......................... Haidakhan Babaji

' Divine Happiness '...

Divine happiness, even the tiniest particle of a grain of it, never leaves one again; and when one attains to the essence of things and finds one's Self-this is supreme happiness. When it is found, nothing else remains to be found; the sense of want will not awaken anymore, and the heart's torment will be stilled forever. Do not be satisfied with fragmentary happiness, which is invariably interrupted by shocks and blows of fate; but become complete, and having attained to perfection, be YOURSELF. ....................... Anandamayi Ma

' See the Source of Love '...

It's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out. ........................ Neem Karoli Baba

' Let It Be '...

When people say "Let it go," what they really mean is "Get over it," and that's not a helpful thing to say. It's not a matter of letting go - you would if you could. Instead of "Let it go," we should probably say "Let it be"; this recognizes that the mind won't let go and the problem may not go away, and it allows you to form a healthier relationship with what's bothering you. ............................ Jon Kabat-Zinn

' Practice Stopping '...

Many of us have been running all our lives. Practice stopping. ......................... Nhat Hanh

Eric Andersen - When I'm Gone (1983)

' The Power of Belief '...

Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won. ...................... William Shakespeare

' A Strong Heart '...

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. ............................... Charles Dickens

' Excellence '...

Excellence does not require perfection. ................ Henry James

' Just Beyond your Grasp '...

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ........................... Nathaniel Hawthorne

' Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires '...

Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. ............................ John Steinbeck

' Act of Ingratitude '...

There is so much to love and to admire in this life that it is an act of ingratitude not to be happy and content in this existence. ................... Lin Yutang

' The Smallest Deed '...

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention. ......................... John Burroughs

' A Sentient Being '...

To be Conscious as a Sentient Being ,, the Key Word 'Being ',, must be found within the Mind of Source found in Nothingness as It Is the Creator of Dreams in which we have consented to explore the Virtues and Vices of Division from the mind of Conscious Source... This Awakening from this Dream is found when all desires, especially the desire for existence are surrendered to the Universe.. and a Hurricane of Love knocks you to the ground... It then all becomes Clear and the human dream quickly fades................. thomas

' Alan Watts On The Eternal Now'...

' Happiness is NOW '...

Happiness is NOW! It isn't tomorrow. It isn't yesterday. Happiness is like a morning glory: Yesterday's won't bloom again; tomorrow's hasn't opened yet. Only today's flower can be enjoyed today. Be happy this very moment, and you'll learn how to be happy always. ............................. Goswami Kriyananda

' Being Present '...

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. . . Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment. .......................... Paramahansa Yogananda

' Becoming One '...

The force that is running inside you is the same force running the solar system... the moment you relax from the 'I',, the 'other' will disappear... you become 'one' with the truth. .............................. Swami Nithyananda

' I Am ',, Blessed '...

This deep sense of feeling that, 'I am' blessed can help you overcome any obstacle in life. It gives you courage and confidence and it will open you up for grace to pour in. ............................. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

' The Darkness Disappears '...

Do not fight the darkness, let the light in and the darkness will disappear. ........................ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

' Be the Observer '...

The goal is to be the observer of your thoughts and not let your thoughts control you. ................................. Deepak Chopra

' The Vision Change '...

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ..................... Wayne Dyer

' Illusion as Illusion '...

If you can recognize illusion as illusion, it dissolves. The recognition of illusion is also its ending. Its survival depends on your mistaking it for reality. ......................... Eckhart Tolle

He Taught: "The Universe NEVER Make..."

There is no such thing as a person | Nisargadatta Maharaj ( I am That )

' Your Sanctuary '...

Within you,, there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself ......................... Hermann Hesse

' Lying to Yourself '...

A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal. And it all comes from lying - lying to others and to yourself. ............................... Fyodor Dostoevsky

' Sometimes '...

Sometimes, carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement. ........................ Albert Camus

' Consequences '...

Every word has consequences. Every silence, too. .................. Jean-Paul Sartre

' The Large Matters '...

In the small matters trust the mind, in the large ones the heart. ............................. Sigmund Freud

' It was there all the Time '...

I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time. ........................... Anna Freud

' Another Person '...

Empathy is the capacity to think and feel oneself into the inner life of another person. ...................... Heinz Kohut

The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line (Official Video)

' I Control Myself '...

Not being able to govern events, I govern myself. ................... Michel de Montaigne

' True Greatness '...

In humility alone lies true greatness, and knowledge and wisdom are profitable only in so far as our lives are governed by them. .............................. Nicholas of Cusa

' The Unity of Source '...

All things are in the Universe, and the universe is in all things: we in it, and it in us; in this way everything concurs in a perfect unity. .............................. Giordano Bruno

' True Knowledge '...

To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge. ........................... Nicolaus Copernicus

' Live your Life '...

Live your life as an Exclamation rather than an Explanation .................... Isaac Newton

' Except Life '...

When we have found how the nucleus of atoms is built up we shall have found the greatest secret of all — except life. We shall have found the basis of everything — of the earth we walk on, of the air we breathe, of the sunshine, of our physical body itself, of everything in the world, however great or however small — except life. ............................ Ernest Rutherford

' Unreality '...

Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. .......................... Niels Bohr

' I Still Possess '...

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. ................................... Martin Luther

Alan Watts - We As Organism

' What is a Successful Person ?'...

The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. ......................... Robert Louis Stevenson

' Attainments of the Human Mind '...

The ability to discriminate between that which is true and that which is false is one of the last attainments of the human mind. ........................ James F. Cooper

' Write on your Heart '...

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety. Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays. ............................ Ralph Waldo Emerson

' Light entering Mind '...

I don’t believe in an art that is not born out of man’s need to open his heart. .................... Edvard Munch (painter)

' Increase in Consciousness '...

Great things do not just happen by impulse, but as a succession of small things linked together. ................. Vincent Van Gogh

' Try to do Something '...

You can pray until you faint, but unless you get up and try to do something, God is not going to put it in your lap. ....................... Fannie Lou Hamer

' Enthusiasm '... (within Thus)...

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. ....................... Winston Churchill

JUDY COLLINS & ERIC ANDERSEN - "Thirsty Boots" 2002

' Worst thing of War '...

The bad thing of war is, that it makes more evil people than it can take away. ..................... Immanuel Kant

' The Meaning of Soul '...

The new meaning of soul is creativity and mysticism. These will become the foundation of the new psychological type and with him or her will come the new civilization. ............................... Otto Rank

' Listening with Empathy '...

We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know. ........................ Carl Rogers

' To Penetrate the Mystery '...

Don't become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin. ......................... Ivan Pavlov

' Speaking to the Ego '...

Most unhappiness is caused because people listen to themselves... instead of talking to themselves. ....................... William James

' Language '...

Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone. ...................... Paul Tillich

' Bitterness '...

Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes. ............................ Harry Emerson Fosdick

Yusuf / Cat Stevens – Peace Train (Live at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert...

' Look Within '...

Knowing thyself, that is the greatest wisdom. .................... Galileo Galilei

' Enjoy Thinking '...

Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in. ..................... Aristotle

' The old Student '...

The one who learns and learns and doesn't practice is like the one who plows and plows and never plants. ..................... Plato

' Know your Self '...

The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. .................... Thales

' Love and Hate '...

There are forces in nature called Love and Hate. The force of Love causes elements to be attracted to each other and to be built up into some particular form or person, and the force of Hate causes the decomposition of things. .................... Empedocles

' All is Perishable '...

There are many worlds and many systems of Universes existing all at the same time, all of them perishable. .............................. Anaximander

' Skepticism '...

By skepticism . . . we arrive first at suspension of judgment, and second at freedom from disturbance. ........................ Sextus Empiricus

' Let nothing Disturb you '...

Let nothing Disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, Though all things pass, God does not change. Patience wins all things. But he lacks nothing who possesses God; For God alone suffices. ........................ Saint Teresa of Avila

' That's my Religion '...

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion. .................... President Abraham Lincoln

Van Morrison - Days Like This (Official Video)

' The Teacher '...

Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy, so they know the value of things, not the price. ............................. Victor Hugo

' The Mystery of Existence '...

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. .......................... Fyodor Dostoevsky

' Be my Friend '...

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. ...................... Albert Camus

' New Eyes '...

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ......................... Marcel Proust

' Sight '...

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. .................Anais Nin

' Ram Tzu Speaks '...

Ram Tzu knows this ....................... The fear never leaves you. It is part of you As tied to your center as your breath. ......................... Touch it, Stroke it, Get to know it well. As long as you are, It will be with you. ..................... You scream, You shout, You rage, You want quit of it. You push it away with all your strength. .................. But hear this; ...................... It thrives on all this exercise You give it. It gets stronger when You give it something to push against. ...................... Left alone, it will wither and die. ...................... But you know you can not leave it alone. You must always fight the fear. It is your nature to always fight. ................. Yet sometimes, there is Grace, You disappear into it And there is no longer a battle. .......................... The warrior is gone. .................................. ''''''''''''' Ram Tzu ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` No Way for the Spiritually "Advanced" Ram Tzu Advaita Press, 1990

' Understanding Self '...

The problem lies within the definitions of self and non-self.. The first Reality is to acknowldge that You are not the false self called ego and that You are actually Divine Consciousness.. This is called Enlightenment and requires the surrender of egoic consciousness.. This is our natural state and contains no ego but does contain 'Personality'.. This 'Personality' is called God and is the source of manifestation.. This 'Personality' is Us.. The Final Reality is the state of Nothingness or what is called 'Pure Awareness'.. This is the Void of non-ego and non-Personality.. This is the place that some are speaking of.. This place is rarely achieved by humans while in the manifestations.. It is easier to surrender the 'Personality' of Divine Consciousness while within the state of 'Divine Consciousness'.. This is the "Crucifixion of Self".. The Ending of Separation.. Complete Freedom of Non-existence.................. namaste, thomas

Forty Rules of Love - Shams of Tabriz | Ellif Shafaq (Complete)

' This Impresses Men '...

Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most. ............................ Thucydides

' Mind or Matter '...

If you are ruled by mind you are a king; if by body, a slave. .......................... Cato the Elder

' The Duality of Justice '...

Many commit the same crime with a very different result. One bears a cross for his crime; another a crown. ............................... Juvenal

' Above the Ego '...

Give up wanting to deserve any thanks from anyone, or thinking anybody can be grateful. ................................ Catullus

' The Greatest Wealth '...

The greatest wealth is to live content with little, for there is never want where the mind is satisfied. ...................... Lucretius

' Reading Literature '...

Through reading literature we can make ghosts speak to us, and we can speak back to them. .......................... Stephen Greenblatt

' Our Responsibility '...

Our awesome responsibility to ourselves, to our children, and to the future is to create ourselves in the image of goodness, because the future depends on the nobility of our imaginings. ............................ Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

Cat Stevens (Side A) Teaser and the Firecat

'The Power of Silence '...

“Silence is a source of Great Strength.” “To a mind that is still,, the whole universe surrenders.” “Those who know do not speak.. Those who speak do not know.” “Be still.. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity” ........................Lao Tzu

Rumi - Rise Up (Life Changing Poem) | Jalaluddin Rumi

' Set your life on Fire '...

Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire. ........................... Rumi

' Science and Wisdom '...

Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. ..................... Immanuel Kant

' Injustice '...

Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices. .............................. Voltaire

' The Face of God '...

When one reaches out to help another he touches the face of God. ...................... Walt Whitman

' Past and Future '...

Everyone may not be good, but there's always something good in everyone. Never judge anyone shortly because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. ................................ Oscar Wilde

' True to Self '...

If we are true to ourselves, we can not be false to anyone. ...................... William Shakespeare

' Honor '...

I can be forced to live without happiness, but I will never consent to live without honor. ............................ Pierre Corneille

' Surrender Everything and Become Everything '...

Van Morrison Precious Time HD BBC Four Sessions

' Purgatory '...

I know for a fact that Heaven and Hell are here on Earth. ....................... Marianne Faithfull

' Happiness '...

Happiness consists of being able to tell the truth without hurting anyone. ............................ Marcello Mastroianni

' Shaping our Life '...

Faith is not a thing which one loses, we merely cease to shape our lives by it. ...................... Georges Bernanos

' You Are, what you Think, All Day '...

He who has dreamed for long resembles his dream. .................... Andre Malraux

' The Path of our Destiny '...

No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. ........................ Francois Mauriac

' They stand Silent '...

What hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor, but the silence of the bystander. ........................ Elie Wiesel

Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Buddhist Thai Monks Chant...

Surrender and all your Thoughts go POOF

' This is the Equation '...

Ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to hate, and hate leads to violence. This is the equation. ...................... Averroes

' The Heart Matters Most '...

It's no virtue to gain the whole world. Just gain the heart of one person. ............................ Saadi

' Push the Ego, Out '...

Get yourself out of the way, and let Joy have more space. ................... Rumi

' Trading Power '...

By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. ....................... John Maynard Keynes ( Economist )

' To Live By '...

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ................. President John F. Kennedy

' Concentration on Self '...

The wise man who, by means of concentration on the Self, realizes that ancient, effulgent One, who is hard to be seen, unmanifest, hidden, and who dwells in the buddhi and rests in the body–he, indeed, leaves joy and sorrow far behind. ............................... Upanishads

' Seeing the Atman '...

"He who sees the Atman as pervading everything, and everything in the Atman, does not wish to guard himself, because he has no fear from anyone." ................... Isavasya Upanishad

Glen Miller .... In The Mood

' Superior to Reason '...

You can only apprehend the Infinite by a faculty that is superior to reason. ............................ Plotinus

' My God '...

My God is the green tide in the spring leaves the redness of cherries high in the air the excitement of shooting stars the song of birds in summer branches the sunrise on a winter's morning the name of everything we don't understand. ............................ William of Ockham

'Seek the Truth '...

Therefore, faithful Christian, seek the truth, listen to the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, tell the truth, learn the truth, defend the truth even to death. ............................................. Jan Hus

' It's Human '...

Now I believe I can hear the philosophers protesting that it can only be misery to live in folly, illusion, deception and ignorance, but it isn't -it's human. ............................... Desiderius Erasmus

' The Gutenberg Bible '...

It is a press, certainly, but a press from which shall flow in inexhaustible streamsThrough it, God will spread His Word. A spring of truth shall flow from it: like a new star it shall scatter the darkness of ignorance, and cause a light heretofore unknown to shine amongst men. .......................... Johannes Gutenberg

' Your Original Nature '...

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. ........................ Herman Melville

' Patience '...

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting. .................... Joyce Meyer

Yusuf / Cat Stevens - Wild World (Live, 1971)

' Understood Backwards '...

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. .................... Soren Kierkegaard

' The Essence of Philosophy '...

the essence of philosophy is not the possession of the truth but the search for truth. ... Philosophy means to be on the way. Its questions are more essential than its answers, and every answer becomes a new question. ................................. Karl Jaspers

' The Purpose of Art '...

The purpose of art is... to press forward into the whole of the external world and the soul, to see and communicate those objective realities within it which rule and convention have hitherto concealed. ................................ Max Scheler

' When Night Comes '...

And when night comes, and you look back over the day and see how fragmentary everything has been, and how much you planned that has gone undone, and all the reasons you have to be embarrassed and ashamed: just take everything exactly as it is, put it in God's hands and leave it with Him. ........................... Edith Stein

' Love and Sacrifice '...

Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light. We cannot love without suffering and we cannot suffer without love. ...................... Gianna Beretta Molla

' Speaking to Source '...

Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if you were alone with Him, familiarly and with confidence and love, as to the dearest and most loving of friends. Speak to Him often of your business, your plans, your troubles, your fears - of everything that concerns you. Converse with Him confidently and frankly; for God is not wont to speak to a soul that does not speak to Him. ........................... Alphonsus Liguori

' Only Me '...

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. ....................... Carol Burnett

Alan Jackson - Remember When (Official HD Video)

' Beyond Myself '...

Beyond myself, somewhere, I wait for my arrival. ................ Octavio Paz

' The Soul in Lonliness '...

The sky is one whole, the water another; and between those two infinities the soul of man is in loneliness. .................. Henryk Sienkiewicz

' The Nectar of Life '...

The nectar of life is sweet only when shared with others. ..................... Adam Mickiewicz

' The Pathless Woods '...

There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. ...................... Lord Byron

' Commitment '..

The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, power and grace. ............................. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

' The Astonishing Light '...

I wish I could show you...the astonishing light of your own being. ......................... Hafez

' The Eye of the Heart '...

If the eye of the heart is open, in each atom there will be one hundred secrets .......................... Farid al-Din Attar

' Paradise in the Heart '...

What can my enemies do to me? My paradise is in my heart, it is with me wherever I go. To imprison me is to provide me with seclusion. To send me into exile is to send me away in the Path of Allah. And to kill me is to make me a martyr. .................................. Ibn Taymiyyah

Yusuf / Cat Stevens – On The Road To Find Out

Home Free - American Pie ft. Don McLean (Official Music Video)

' The Spirit of Creation '...

Artists create out of a sense of desolation. The spirit of creation is a excruciating, intricate exploration from within the soul. .............................. El Greco

' Working on the Self '...

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ................... Michelangelo

' The Beauty of Light '...

The light constantly changes, and that alters the atmosphere and beauty of things every minute. ............................ Claude Monet

' Walking the Walk '...

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others. ...................... Salvador Dali

' Thoughts of Countries '...

Never judge a country by its politicians. ................. Alfred Hitchcock

' Fake It until You Make It '...

I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me. ............................ Cary Grant

' Think Simple !'...

Never do anything complicated when something simple will serve as well. It's one of the most important secrets of living. .................................. Erich Maria Remarque

' Violence is a Choice '...

Violence is never ever a choice that a man should make. .................... Patrick Stewart

' The Strength of Civilization '...

The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them. .............................. Gene Roddenberry

' Because I '...

Because I have known despair, I value hope. Because I have tasted frustration, I value fulfillment. Because I have been lonely, I value love. ........................ Leonard Nimoy

' I Can Do It Too ! '...

When you feel the world is against you or you give up hope, you look at your heroes and say, "They were able to do it. They had hard times and a lot of opposition, but they got through it." Then you feel, "I can do it too." ............................ John Leguizamo

' A Fearful Life '...

A life lived in fear is a life half lived. ...................... Baz Luhrmann

' To Be Kind '...

To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens. ........................... F. Scott Fitzgerald

' Fear of Death '...

Mark Twain said, "I'm not afraid of death. I was dead for billions of years before I was born, and it didn't inconvenience me in the slightest.".........

Alan Watts - The Game The Universe Plays

' Do not lie to Yourself '...

‘This above all; to thine own self be true.’ .................. William Shakespeare

' The Purpose in Life '...

They say, Find a purpose in your life and live it. But, sometimes, it is only after you have lived that you recognize your life had a purpose, and likely one you never had in mind. .................................. Khaled Hosseini

' The Bible '...

The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven. The Bible is the product of man, my dear. Not of God. The Bible did not fall magically from the clouds. Man created it as a historical record of tumultuous times, and it has evolved through countless translations, additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the book. ............................. Dan Brown

' The Art of the Earth '...

Art owes its origin to Nature herself... this beautiful creation, the world, supplied the first model, while the original teacher was that divine intelligence which has not only made us superior to the other animals, but like God Himself, if I may venture to say it. ............................. Giorgio Vasari (painter)

' True Friends '...

The sincere friends of this world are as ship lights in the stormiest of nights. ....................... Giotto di Bondone

' What will you take with You ?'...

Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. ...................... Saint Francis of Assisi

' The Heart cannot stop Loving '...

When the heart is pure and simple it cannot help loving, because it has discovered the source of love which is God. ............................ John Vianney

' The Best Weapon We Have '...

Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God's heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips, but with your heart. In fact on certain occasions you should only speak to Him with your heart. ................. Pio of Pietrelcina

Donovan & Crystal Gayle - Catch The Wind

' The Joy of Laughter '...

There is little success where there is little laughter. .................... Andrew Carnegie

' The Road Less Traveled '...

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ......................... Robert Frost

' The Best is Near '...

Come grow old with me. The best is yet to be. ...................... William Wordsworth

' The Strong Soul '...

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacle s, discouragement s, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. ........................ Thomas Carlyle

' The Greatest Accomplishment '...

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ............................ Ralph Waldo Emerson

' The Art of Living '...

To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living. ............................ Herman Melville

' Simplify '...

Simplify your life. Don't waste the years struggling for things that are unimportant. Don't burden yourself with possessions. Keep your needs and wants simple and enjoy what you have. Don't destroy your peace of mind by looking back, worrying about the past. Live in the present. Simplify! .......................... Henry David Thoreau