
All things become One...

Jesus said, "In me, all things become one, for everything that is not of me is illusion and will pass away. Only Light abides, for Light is Truth, and Truth has no end. I tell you the Truth when I say that I am the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Life. Walk in me, and you will abide forever, for you will be even as I AM."

Jesus said, "I am in all things; yet I am beyond all things. Not through seeking will you find me, but through Peace. Nevertheless, through seeking you will find yourselves, and then you will know Eloheim."

Jesus said, "In the Garden of Jehovah stands the holy Tree of Life. High in its branches sings a bird. Listen for the voice of the bird, for when you are properly aligned with Heaven and Earth, she will tell you all things."

Jesus said, "When the outer has become as the inner, and the lower as the upper, then will this world find peace."

Jesus said, "He who takes up the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that evil can be overcome by evil, or violence by violence? The Way of Peace requires courage and patience, but it will prevail."


Danny said...

Thank you for your blog,my good are beautiful.
I posted about you on

May you live long and prosper!

thomas ... said...

Thank you for your kindness........namaste, thomas