
The Spiritual Humorist...

Wayne Liquorman is a teacher in the Advaita nondualist tradition of Ramesh S.
Balsekar, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and Ramana Maharshi.

Ram Tzu is his poetic alter-ego (alter non-ego?). Liquorman says he published
his poetry under the pen name Ram Tzu because he "didn't want a bunch of
miserable seekers cluttering up his living room."

His poetry often reveals an iconoclastic sense of humor and sarcasm similar to
Han Shan and some of the Zen rascals.

"For Ram Tzu, only Nothing is truly sacred."


Sophia said...

Since he's revealed himself I wonder if he now has a living room full of seekers? :o)

thomas ... said...

I'm sure that he has an unlisted phone number and a house far into the woods.............namaste, thomas

Sophia said...

It reminds me a bit of this spiritual teacher that I liked for a little while. His "name" is Jed McKenna and he wrote three books on spiritual enlightenment. Upon further research I found out that his name is not real and in fact that he may or may not be a real person. There are lots of different rumors about who he might be; some say he is Richard Rose (who is deceased), which I don't believe, and others say he was one of Rose's students. I find this more believable, but no matter the identity or validity of the books they are very interesting.