
' All the being calmed '...

"There were not two; beholder was one with beheld; it was not a vision compassed but a unity apprehended.

The man formed by this mingling with the Supreme must -- if he only remember — carry its image impressed upon him:

he is become the Unity, nothing within him or without inducing any diversity; no movement now, no passion, no outlooking desire, once this ascent is achieved;

reasoning is in abeyance and all Intellection and even, to dare the word, the very self; caught away, filled with God, he has in perfect stillness attained isolation; all the being calmed, he turns neither to this side nor to that, not even inwards to himself; utterly resting he has become very rest."

Enneads, 6.9.11
The Six Enneads by Plotinus
Translated by Stephen MacKenna and B. S. Page
London: P.L. Warner, 1917-1930

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