
' Appearance of Separation '...

Thought reduces this radiant, mysterious One Life into fragments. Nothing is truly separate. Separateness is just an appearance created by thought. Thought can only think about one thing at a time. For example, think of “pancakes.” Do you see that thought can only picture pancakes? It can only see and concentrate on one object or idea at a time. Thought is fragmented. Therefore thought will never see Oneness.

Thought makes the separate thing more important than the whole. Thought is a conceptual, dualistic dream. The main fragment that it makes important is the “I” thought.
Everything is seen to center around this idea that “I” am a separate person. Instead of seeing One miraculous life, thought focuses on things like, “I want what I want!” and “Why don’t they like me?”

When this “I” thought is seen to be just another fragment, when it is seen that there is no person separate from the rest of life, the entire world of separateness is seen to be merely an appearance. It is realized that there is only ‘This.’ One Life. When the realization of Oneness has fully surrendered the “me” story, life is lived without a sense of a separate self.

This is not about denying the practical functioning of thought or the realm of the relative. It is about seeing thought’s illusory nature.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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