
' Peace '...

True peace cannot be found in the story of you.

Dualistic thought divides reality into pairs of opposites and then picks a side. It attempts to bring about peace by supporting its side and opposing the opposite side. Even to be against conflict IS conflict. To oppose something is to make an “other” out of it. Conflict is born in the mental division between self and other.

Peace is your natural state. It is not something that one attains through thinking. So it is not something achieved in a time-bound spiritual search (i.e., story). Time is thought. The separate self is a time-bound, thought-based illusion. To say that “I’ will find peace in the future is to feed a story of thought. That illusory entity will never find peace because it sees itself as separate. Its goal is not peace. Its goal is separation. In that separateness, it must find an “other” against which to define itself. Conflict is created in that division.

Timeless, non-dual presence is what you really are. It is the pure seeing right now that is prior to the “I” thought. That presence is already naturally at peace. It is already undivided because it is prior to any mental division between self and other. In recognizing that what you are is non-dual presence, the “I” thought no longer has power over ‘you’ when it arises. Therefore, there is no desire to define that self against or be in conflict with an “other.”

Scott Kiloby, Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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