
Both are True...

If you listen to me long enough, you'll hear me contradicting myself, constantly ... you're nothing ... you're everything ... there's no self ... well of course, there's a self ... .

If you went to my teacher, and had the great revelation of 'no self', of emptiness, I'm nothing, and the freedom of that, and that's totally true ... I'm nothing, and the great liberation of realizing that ... then the next thing, you'd get this great smile, and you'd see that my teacher’s really happy that you've finally kind of woken up out of your some-thingness, and then you'd get a quick rap on the head, crack, with a stick. 'Okay Mr. nobody, who did that hurt ?'

Then you'd scratch your head, and walk out of the room, hmmm... 'gosh I really thought I was nobody, there for a minute' ...

Of course it was true ... it wasn't a way of saying what was discovered wasn't real. It was a way of saying what was discovered, may not be the whole ... the whole truth, may not be the end. There may be more to this.

The discovering our infinite formlessness , also can lead to, realizing it's all one. Form ... formlessness ... is one. So this form, that appears to have a self, that appears to have me, appears to have, is not other than the formless one.

It's on the level of talk, the truth is fraught with total contradictions.

And the more awake we become, we become capable of holding these contradictions, effortlessly, because the truth, the true I, the true I of awakening, actually sees the oneness, and the mind sees in the oneness these totally contradictory experiences, are happening, simultaneously.

Of being the all, and everything, the supreme reality, and being this particular, individual, human being.

And both are true.

As we awaken, we begin to discover, one to the exclusion of the other.

First you're a human being ... then you're Mr. nobody ... and then Mr. nobody, is a human being.

And they're both simultaneously, true ... they're both simultaneously happening.

The danger of teachings is that, almost everything that can be said ... the opposite can be said to be almost equally true.

This presence of being is vast.

It's all inclusive.


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