
The world of pure Thought...

Pain and suffering, sin and evil, disease and death, exist only in
the world of thoughts, not in the world of pure Thought itself.

are not illusions, however, but they are transient.

Whoever attains to
pure Thought will also attain in consciousness to a life that is
painless, sorrow-free, sinless, undecaying, and undying.

Being above
desires and fears, it is necessarily above the miseries caused by
unsatisfied desires and realized fears.

But at the same time he will
also have an accompanying consciousness of life in the body, which
must obey the laws of its own being, natural laws which set
limitations and imperfections upon it.

This much can be said to be the
element of truth contained in some theoretical doctrines of Vedantic
Advaita and Christian Science... Paul Brunton

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