
The ego and mind...

When something physical, mental, or emotional happens that causes our story to crash, the ego deflates. The mind then begins developing its powers of projection, and a search ensues to get out of the deflated state and to find some way into a better version of itself.

What follows this search for inflation is the roller coaster of emotions: the roller coaster of "I am great, I am horrible, I am beautiful, I am ugly. The universe gives me what I want; the universe withholds from me. Almost anyone can relate to this.

As long as there is hope that the roller coaster of "I am great, I am horrible," will stabilize, this hope is pinned on the character in the story being stable. There actually is no hope for the character in the story to stabilize, as it is continually manipulated by ever-larger external and internal events.

Equanimity or stabilization, however, is already present in the truth. Truth holds the story. It is not separate from the story. It permeates both the character and the story.

~ From: The Diamond In Your Pocket, by Gangaji.

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