
Extraterrestrial biological entities...

You that are aware of the many varieties of humanoids that live within the many star systems..

You no longer believe that you are the only life forms within the universe..

You may believe that these beings are more spiritually advanced than you because of their spiritual knowledge but you are wrong..

Some of them exist within the higher dimensions of illusion that are more spiritual than ours but still battle against negative entities..

The fourth and higher dimensions contain souls of egoic consciousness that do not possess as much ego as we possess mainly because they need no sustenance such as food, shelter, or water..

But, they still exist as a division of Consciousness..

Yes, they are still trapped within the constant wheel of reincarnation..

They appear to humans as saviors and masters of knowledge but in reality, they are also trapped within illusion..

To the humans, they are Masters of Spirituality but do not be misled..

They are still asleep..

They have not Awakened within Reality..

The Saints speak of seven heavens, all of these heavens are illusions..

Dreams, Dreams, and more Dreams..

When will We all Wake Up ?..

We are the Dreamer !...

namaste, thomas

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