
Conscious Thoughts about ' Miles from Nowhere'...

Nowhere is a place of No-Thing..

You are No-Thing ( Nothing)

Do you understand?..

The Mountain to climb is the understanding of Reality..

It is the mental activity to eliminate the desires of ego and earth..

If you truly understood Reality, You would fly to the top of the Mountain..

Enlightenment provides the wings to the top of the Mountain..

This is the Mystic path to Reality..

You bypass the fifty dimensions of egoic attachment because there is Nothing to be trapped within these dreams..

You should entertain Contemplation upon the reason that you are climbing the Mountain..

Consciousness tells me to add this request..

Yusuf, if you are reading this, I advise you to leave the 'Long Path' of the mountain and enter the 'Short Path' of Mysticism by reading the teachings of Islamic Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Kahn...

namaste, thomas

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