
The 'third eye' opens...

Here, in this vast concept of thoughtless Thought itself, of pure Thought unbroken by any thoughts, is the true miracle of universal being, could mankind but appreciate it properly, something sacred indeed with a sacredness unknown to the petty and parochial views of religious materialists.

Its blankness can terrify those alone who do not and cannot understand.

Here, as thinking ceases and willing lapses, as imagination is no more active and personality becomes utterly passive, as the senses lie quiet like a sleeping bird, there opens a third eye in man.

He sees not only that which he is but also that which always is.

That which others ignore as non‑existent, the immaterial ‘nothingness’ of universal Mind, is precisely what offers itself now to his unveiled perception.

It is not a state of non‑existence. It is indeed a living actuality; otherwise it could never be inwardly realized.

Wisdom of the Overself, XIV, Section 7.
A Meditation on the Serpent’s Path.
Paul Brunton

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