
Just notice Now...

"If the mind wanders, just notice Now. What is happening Now? The presence of Now.

What does it feel like to be outside of thought? What does it feel like to be the space in which thought happens? What does it feel like to be the space in which the body moves and breathes?

Generally we think we are our bodies, but in actual experience our bodies happen within the field of awareness. What does it feel like to have a body within the field of awareness? Happening within openness?

Simply by relinquishing control we can discover for ourselves what the natural state is...the state of being which is not contrived.

We see what happens when we meditate without the meditator, without the controller. What happens in your own experience? What happens when we are no longer even trying to attain peace or stillness or any goal or any agenda?

It is very telling that when we let go of the controller and the manipulator there is a total naturally occurring state of stillness, of openness and of awareness.

You start to experience your natural state. The art of meditation is so extraordinarily simple. Letting go. Letting go of directing our experience and the natural state starts to arise.

EVERYTHING the mind is trying to attain - the peace, the stillness, the presence, IS naturally occurring and obvious if we are not trying to find it.

It needs no maintenance and it needs no body to try to make it happen...Freedom" from your own effort."

~Adyashanti (Five Truths about Truth)

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