
your mind...

Anything that you respond to is a product of your mind.
It is your mind that becomes angry.
It is your mind that becomes stubborn.
It is your mind that wants to get even.
It is your mind that is hurt.

But if you subdue your mind, tell me, where is the anger?
Where is the depression?
Where is the response to conditions?
There isn't any.

When the mind is subdued there is only eternal peace
and that peace is the self, consciousness.
Consciousness is always peaceful, always happy.
It has nothing to do with conditions.

All conditioning comes from the mind.
Therefore I say to you, do not try to change conditions.
Do not try to change situations.
Simply learn how to control the mind by making it passive and quiet,
and then you will find that things turn out better for you
than you can possibly ever hope for.

~ Robert Adams.

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