

This is why We have entered the animal body called human..

We are Consciousness that seeks Consciousness..

Why are We lost ?..

The mind of the human seeks only the imaginary self called ego..

The thoughts of the mind reaffirm the egoic consciousness..

We are above the mind but believe that We are the mind..

This is the confusion of existence within a dream..

We are the 'Watcher' and yet We believe that We are the 'Watched'..

Are you following my train of thought ?..

We constantly seek the feeling of Love..

Are you not yet aware of what Love is ?..

This is why I write..

It is to introduce you to Yourself, which is the Energy called Love..

Love is the Reality of non-self..

The self is introduced to you by the mind..

You are above the mind..

Are you beginning to understand these words?..

I will speak to you later...

namaste, thomas

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