
five billion souls...

There are more than five billion souls that seek Truth and yet only ten thousand that enter this blog..

I place no Teacher above another..

All Teachers are actually Us, when we understand Reality..

There will be many that will remain trapped within the lie that they must return to the Dreams..

They will continue to search for Freedom and will meet many other souls of Knowledge that will lead them in circles..

A soul is an individualized vision of seeking..

You are the Seeker..

What are you seeking?..

You are seeking a reason for existence..

You as Pure Awareness do not know what You Are..

Can you imagine, the Creator of All, being in a state of confusion?..

Can you imagine being in darkness and dreaming of the opposite?..

"Let there be Light", said the Awareness..

And Light was found to be good..

Light is "YOU", as Divine Consciousness and Creator of the Dreams of Manifestation..

Have these question marks not awakened You, yet?..

namaste, thomas

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