
Thoughts on a wednesday night...

I read of politicians that refer to themselves as Christian and speak of killing and abortion as a normal activity of life..

Is wealth, power, and fame, so important ?..

We are the Consciousness within the illusion of separate body and yet, we speak as though we are only the body and life ends at death..

Such fools we are..

Is the possession of the body by an earthbound spirit responsible for this activity ?..

Jesus would often force these spirits from the bodies of those afflicted..

As Mystics, you should be able to see these spirits of negativity within the body possessed..

Look closely, look into their eyes, do they turn away from your gaze ?..

Our eyes blink seldom and thus cause discomfort to the spirits of egoic consciousness..

These spirits have been trapped by the energy field of duality called the prince of lies..

Jesus would sometimes send these spirits into animals, but I believe that sending them into the Light is more beneficial for all..

I am not advanced enough to question the motives of Jesus in his sending these souls to the state of hellish pain, therefore, I will not comment on the decisions that have been written on His behalf..

These are earthbound spirits that can be released by just their observance of the Light..

They feel as though, they are melting and turn their gaze away from the Light..

As all of us, they will melt into the non-egoic consciousness called Love..

They will at first feel fear, and they will then experience the bliss of Unconditional Love and merge within this Energy..

There is much that is unknown to the reader of this blog, but continue to read, as it is important to your soul...

namaste, thomas

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