
The Void...

"There is a final state of Being and Consciousness in which alone perfect bliss
is found, to which every religion bears witness.

This state transcends all
concepts of the mind and images of the senses, and is known only when the Divine
Being chooses to reveal himself to man.

This is the ultimate mystery, the
ultimate truth, to which everything in nature aspires, but which so transcends
the whole order of nature

that it appears as darkness rather than light, as
something unreal or illusory, as a Void, a Silence, a Negation of Being.

And yet
such is the witness of every great religious tradition:

in this Void, in this
Darkness, in this Silence, all fulness, all light, all truth, all goodness, all
love, all joy, all peace, all happiness is to be found."

Dom Bede Griffiths, OSB
_Vedanta and Christian Faith_
Clearlake, CA: Dawn Horse Press, 1991, p 163

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