
Pure Intelligence...

The Absorbtion of Divine Consciousness into Pure Intelligence is really the
ending of the illusion that We exist as a separate entity or personality..

It is the ending of this Dream and yet the Dreamer (Pure Intelligence) still
continues to Dream..

Each Dream creates a manifestation or a manifestor of an illusory existence..

The Manifestor is Divine Consciousness, which many call God..

We exist as this Manifestor until We finally Realize that We are also a Dream
from Pure Intelligence..

There is only Pure Intelligence, All else is Dream..

The Energy of this Dreamer called Pure Intelligence is called Love..

Love is the state of non-personality or non-ego..

This is why most humans are always seeking Love..

As Love is Freedom from attachment to selfish personality or objects..

Love is the binding of Thoughts..

We are Thoughts..

We are Love...

namaste, thomas

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