
good and bad...

Although Divine Consciousness feels good, It is because the personality but not the ego still exists..
This feeling of good is really just feeling normal as the state of Love..

Love does not see bad or good because, It is unconditional Love, which sees only God..
and what is God?,

God is Love..
The problem with this dimension of duality is that We are experiencing the opposite of God, so that we can compare it to God..

It is a duality mirror..
We can only know one by knowing the other..

When We move beyond duality,
There is no more good or bad.
There is only Love, Light, and Wisdom..

But, this is only the first step of Reality.
The Final step is to Realise that there is no "YOU"..

This is the state of " Pure Awareness",
and contains no ego or personality..

This is the place of complete non-duality..
This place contains no good or bad..

There is no personality or ego,
to feel either state..

This is the State of Nothingness and Everythingness...

namaste, thomas

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