
Disclosure of Extraterrestial Biological Entities...

This is often a topic of discussion and I would like to speak a little bit about it..

The recognition of other life forms in this and other dimensions is interesting and educational but not the 'be all and end all'..

The also are just seekers..

They contain more wisdom and knowledge but they are also on the path to Truth..

They speak of a better future and loving attitude within all humans and other entities..

This is of course welcome by me and most other souls, but the heaviest weight creates the largest muscle..

We volunteered to enter this little corner of hell as a quick learning device..

When, we find ourselves within a field of Love with the ego still present,

It will become more difficult to abandon the ego..

This is why the souls in the higher dimensions are still trapped within the path of learning..

They, like many of us,, look outside to know inside..

This road is long....

namaste, thomas

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