

It's a word that is used everyday in America..
why do we have to hear about something that should already be normal?..

The sub-consciousness mind is the 'Soul'..
I'm sure that you have never heard that before..

The sub-consciousness mind refuses no thoughts..
It does not distinguish between 'right and wrong'..

This is why the path of Spirituality was created..
It is to train the sub-conscious mind to admit only Righteous Thoughts..

This is the Place of Creation..
These Thoughts become your reality..

These Thoughts become your Future..
As Buddha said, "You are that which you think about all day"..

Consciousness is You..
Consciousness watches the Conscious Mind..

The Conscious Mind controls the Thoughts that enter the sub-conscious mind..
This is the order of Creation..

Although all of this life seems solid and real..
It is really just the Thoughts that flow from Consciousness..

We are within the evil because We needed the Knowledge of opposite..
The free-choices are your decisions..

Will you choose ego or emptiness..
Nothingness is the door to Everythingness..

Ego is Fear..
Love is non-Fear..

It is your choice!

namaste, thomas

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