
Absolute Reality...

What the so-called finite, human "sensing mind" claims to be its seemingly endless stellar universe, its all, in which everything is locatable and measurable—is a vastly different kind of all than the Infinite, the Absolute meaning of All. In Absolute Reality, the All that Infinite I-Consciousness truly is, is immeasurable, un-dimensional; there is no such thing as location. Most emphatically, the Infinite does not include, nor is the Infinite bound to, a finite universe of space and time.

Infinite Consciousness does not "see" a finite universe of time and

space, because to Infinite Consciousness, there is only Infinity. There is no point at which Infinity ends and where something not-Infinity begins—because the very definition of Infinity is end-less. Again, this is clear only when starting from Infinity. Infinity's Endlessness is not locatable on a physical, spatial, or dimensional basis—because in Infinity there is no such thing. Infinity is not locatable even mentally—for Infinity completely precludes all concept of location, or a mentality that would deal in such. Infinity's Allness simply does not co-exist with anything besides Itself.

To start or "look out from" the Infinite, the Absolute, is to discern that there is only Infinity's formless, changeless Perfection, being All. This is clear only to One who identifies as or "looks out from" Infinity, the Absolute—something that finite human thinking never does. To "look out from" Infinity is to behold there is only this Allness of Infinity, only Undimensional I-Presence, and It never has been otherwise. One never can "attain" this in time as a thinking mind—One only can presently be It, as pure, unthinking Conscious Aliveness.

Consciousness is All
by Peter Dzubian
excerpts pages 68

Blue Dolphin Publishing
P.O.Box 8
Nevada City, CA 95959

c 2008 second edition

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