
Meher Baba quotes...

God cannot be explained... God can only be lived.

Spiritual freedom is won by one's self for one's self, through watchful and unfailing war against the false self. Those who would be soldiers in the cause of truth have to help others not only in launching upon the thrilling enterprise of attaining victory over oneself, but also in every step they take towards attainment; there is no other way of sharing their burden.

The infinite truth latent in everything reveals itself only when life is accepted in its totality.

The purpose of life is to realize God within ourselves. This can be done even whilst attending to our worldly duties. In the everyday walks of life and amidst activities, feel detached and dedicate your doings to our beloved God.

People should go to saints because they are genuinely interested in true spirituality and for no other reason; it is only then that they derive greatest benefit out of their contact with the saints.

Special importance is attached to meditating in holy places or the spots, where the Masters have themselves lived or meditated.

Always be in readiness to serve the cause of humanity. Select the kind of work you are qualified to do by your individual aptitude and abilities. And whatever service you can render must faithfully be carried out.

The Truth of divine life is not a hope but a reality. It is the only reality, and all else is illusion. Have faith and you will be redeemed. Have love and you will conquer the lower and limited self of cravings that veil your own true being as God.

When service is rendered in a selfless spirit, it always benefits the karmayogin although he himself does not do it for the sake of any reward or result.

Only in the human form is it possible for life to attain its final goal, which is to realize the all-pervading and infinite Divinity. Only in the human body can one attain realization and fulfill the purpose of creation. Hence the supreme importance of attaining the human body.

Those who cleanse their hearts of the embittering poison of selfishness, hate, and greed find God as their own true self. The truth of divine life is not a hope but a reality, all else is illusion. Have faith and you will be redeemed. Have love and you will conquer the limited self of cravings that veil your own true being as God.

The energy which is expended in mere thinking, talking or writing is like the steam which escapes through the whistle of the railway engine. The whistle makes a noise, and is even interesting, but it cannot drive the engine. No amount of whistling can move the engine forward. The steam has to be harnessed and used intelligently in order that it may actually take the engine to its destination. That is why the sages have always insisted on practice rather than theory. This applies particularly to those who want to know and realize God.

Meher Baba

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