
Slaying the ego...

The Truth that you must slay the ego, goes back to the beginning of time.. the early teaching of this Knowledge is found in Hindu and Buddhist literature.. The bottom line is that You are the Creator of your experience.. Your desires will be created.. they will be dreams that we call illusions but these illusions will trap You within the dreams, when You start to Believe that the dreams are real.. To leave these dreams and Wake Up, You must stop identifying Your Self as a personality of these dreams.. This is the slaying of the ego.. This stops the dream and Awakens You in Reality.. This is called Enlightenment, as You Realise that You are Light and Love.. You can call the slaying of the ego or the dropping of the ego or the Awakening from ego or just living in Humility.. Humility is the word used in Christian teaching for the slaying of ego.. Unselfish Love is also a definition of slaying of ego.. There are many words and concepts that point to the Realisation that You will never be Free until the ego is dead......................... namaste, thomas


katharineeloiseross said...

great post (promise i'm not a bot, just reading upon philosophy etc and i found your blog :)

Unknown said...

I like it!.
I am an aspiring emotional artist. Im open minded and I believe in a lot!
I've sold myself. I have committed a crime being young and uneducated about life and I did an act of love. I Slayed my mind or ego when in prison. gave my cause up to and for Christ. I studied and every book I read was pertaining to the spirit. I believe it is wise to go through our own alchemical processes in soul, in life and in love. I can relate to you and "we are authors of our own destiny". For sure I see that!
I have experienced authentic miracles in the form of vision
and powerful emotional experience. Which I have prayed for,.. for years, and many.Music connects. And it still feels really pray.
I am grateful for all of it! And I pray now just to cherish it all and preserve it..forever and ever-
I discovered knowledge through books. I found freedom in the truth. What saddened me though was the truth that I was awake in a somewhat sleeping world, where some asleep are simply close-minded,complacent, stubborn or lost..)
I believe in not judging others, I don't believe in controlling others either. I believe in compassion, in guidance and direction, coupled with wisdom ... much wisdom. I became humble, and care for people and love them for their personalities... I love biggest fear now somehow is ..romantic love?
I gave up all of my nuisance insecurities and worries and fears. I gave it all up! years ago - to humble myself -, to grow closer to Christ, God and Divine Love. Life is a gift we have been given..its a miraculous one. The law should apply karma and the doctrine of it. I don't know who I should tell this to but . We are who we are for a reason.that only we in time can really understand - for what purpose(s) that is! Good ����Man!.
And Good Life to you and to All!