

Belief is the programing of the sub-conscious mind by the conscious mind.. this is proven by hypnosis.. under suggestion by hypnosis, the body will be changed immediately to conform with your belief in the commands of the hypnotist.. this is how healing works.. the body is an illusion created by mind and is changed by mind by the power of belief.. hypnosis is the controlling of the sub-conscious mind by another but you can learn to accomplish this yourself.. the daily activities of the mind program the sub-conscious mind without you even realizing it.. the purpose of the Spiritual Path is to awaken to watching the mind from the level of Consciousness and using the mind to train and program the sub-conscious mind to accept only thoughts of non-ego.. eventually, ego thoughts will rarely enter and when they do, You will be watching them and dissolving them into nothingness.. The biggest secret of this paragraph is that the Sub-Conscousness Mind is also The Soul..............namaste, thomas

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