
Three Progressive Stages...

There is an Indian formula covering three progressive stages of the
quest: Hearing, Reflection, Enlightenment. It means: Receiving
instruction (from guru or text), Thinking constantly over the
teachings until they are thoroughly assimilated, Experiencing glimpses
of a mystical nature. With the end of this third phase, the aspirant
has not only to repeat and prolong the glimpses until his whole life
is permeated by the wisdom and peace which is their fruit, but also to
receive and apply the highest and final philosophic doctrine. With
this, his enlightenment becomes "natural," effortless, unbroken. It is
unified with his activity, established whether he is busy in the world
or seated in meditation.

— Notebooks Category 1: Overview of the Quest > Chapter 5:
Self-Development > # 300.....Paul Brunton

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