
Spiritual Discourse ...

When spiritual discourse is stuck on the level of agreement and disagreement, the dream self is attached to spiritual conclusions from the past. When there is agreement, the dream self tends to fall into a false sense of certainty, believing that its ideas must be right simply because others agree with those ideas.

When there is disagreement, the dream self feels threatened because it is invested in the ideas that are being challenged. The false sense of certainty felt in agreement and the threat of annihilation felt in disagreement are revealing that you have reduced this radiant, mysterious One Life to nothing more than an illusory separate self created from a set of ideas.

When the truth is expressing itself, it is free, alive, loving, nonattached, and non-defensive. It is observing and expressing what is, not to make an identity or philosophy out of what is observed, but rather merely to express the experience of living, which is impermanent and constantly changing. To hold onto anything that arises and falls, including some past experience or conclusion, is to welcome ignorance, separation, and conflict.

When spiritual discourse is alive in this way, it transcends the dualistic nature of agreement and disagreement. There may still be agreement and disagreement, but the dream self is not involved. There is no attachment to the words. This is when love is speaking clearly and naturally to itself through the vessels known as you and me.

~ From: Reflections of the One Life, by Scott Kiloby

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