
Manifesting Christhood...

TOPIC: You cannot manifest Christhood unless you let go of all expectations of seeing outer results, for people who will not rise above their egos will have to justify it by criticizing you—and you must let the Word flow regardless of their reactions
Ascended Master Patrick, May 18, 2007

The test of overcoming all expectations
You see, my Beloved, there is a teaching I would give you that relates to what I started talking about, of my feeling somewhat depressed over the lack of response. And I must tell you that this came from my own conditions, from my own expectations, where my spiritual vision of going to Ireland had been used in subtle ways by my ego to create the expectation of certain outer results, of seeing a physical manifestation of many people converted. Even a subtle sense that I could see the results from my labor, not that I had a desire to be elevated, but I had a desire to see that my labor had borne fruit, that I had made a difference.

And so this, my Beloved, is something that all Saints and spiritual people have struggled with and must struggle with. For the spiritual path, as we have said, is not an outer path, so in a sense why would you expect outer results? Yet I realize full well – for I have gone through it myself – that there is a point on the path where you need to see some result of your action in order to keep going. And therefore at the lower levels of the path, you do need to see that you are making a difference, by seeing outer differences, outer results.

But I tell you, as you walk the path – especially when you come closer to Christhood – that there will come an essential initiation, where you will need to let go of all your expectations, all of your conditions of wanting to see a certain outer result. For if you do not, you cannot manifest your Christhood.

For the Christ is completely non-attached to what response he gets from the people on Earth, for his is not here to awaken them. He is here to let his light so shine before men that they have the opportunity to see that there is an alternative to the serpentine, human state of consciousness. But the Christ knows that he is not here to chose for them, but to give them the opportunity to chose, which they did not have when they had only seen people who talked religion based on the serpentine mind.

And so my Beloved, if you think back to your own experience of walking that mountain yesterday, you will see that you might have a certain vision, a certain expectation, of what might happen at the top. Certain things you would like to see, certainly a little ray of sunshine and a lot less rain, or perhaps other expectations. But I must tell you that those who are the true overcomers on the spiritual path – those who win their ascension, those who fulfill their divine plans – are those who are willing to take a look at such expectations and say, “I am not here to fulfill these outer expectations and conditions. For I am only here to let my light shine.”

You see, my Beloved, when you have expectations, especially when you have expectations of how other people should respond to you speaking the Word, well then you set yourself up in a dualistic situation where your inner fulfillment and peace depends on something outside yourself, depends on other people who have free will. And it is predictable, is it not, that there will be some people to whom you preach the Living Word, who will use their free will to refuse to rise above the serpentine consciousness. And thus, they will refuse to go along with you and, my beloved, when they reject the opportunity to come up higher, what must they do? Well, their egos must justify this rejection, and how do they do this? By criticizing you, by putting you down, by putting your teaching down, by finding slick serpentine ways to cast doubt on the validity on your teaching, the purity of your motive or any other thing they can think of.

So you need to recognize, my Beloved, as you have talked about today, that some of you realize that you are reluctant to stand up and let your light shine. And surely, we who have ascended all understand this, because we have gone through it. But I tell you, we went through it precisely because we came to the point where we recognized that we were not here to please or even awaken other people. We were here to let our light shine. And that was our job. That was our job number one, as they say. And it was the only job.

So you see, when you make that shift – and it is a fundamental shift in consciousness – your inner fulfillment does not depend on anything outside yourself. And it is only then that the prince of this world will have nothing in you, whereby he can discourage or scare you into not sharing your light at all. Or whereby he can play on your pride and get you to feel that surely you must be pleasing to God because you have preached to all these people and done this or that to promote this or that teaching.

Do you see my Beloved, there is always the two dualistic polarities of fear and pride, the inferiority/superiority complex. For one cannot exist without the other, but YOU can exist without both of them—when the Conscious Self recognizes that it is more than this dualistic personality and identity. And thus, you are willing to let it die, as Mother Mary said. You realize that surrendering this dualistic personality is not a loss but a gain.

And my Beloved, this is what happened to me that day, when I sat at that creek. I finally saw the folly of my attachment to outer results. For my Beloved, why did I start my mission in Ireland? Because I had a divine vision, an inner spiritual vision. And so what was the folly of thinking that I could only continue following that vision if I have certain outer manifestations. No, I needed to be true to the inner vision, to be non-attached to the outer. And when I had that non-attachment, I can assure you that I had further visions, and I felt a much greater inner fulfillment than I could ever have felt, even if the entire country of Ireland and been converted by me personally.

Find the true bliss beyond dualistic expectations
Do you see my Beloved, as Jesus talked about at the last retreat, there are these dualistic roles in the play that you can play. But as long as you go into a dualistic role, surely you can experience joy, but it is the joy that is in a polarity with sorrow. But beyond it is the bliss of God. And that is what you can experience when you let go of those expectations.

So my Beloved, if you truly want to be the saints of the Aquarian Age, the forerunners of the Aquarian Age, look at your expectations, look at your attachments, be willing to let go of them and say, “I am not following the spiritual path, I am not promoting a spiritual teaching, I am not speaking the Word in order to see a particular outer result. I am simply speaking the Word because it gives me the unconditional Joy of God to feel that Word flowing through me. What else could I possibly need than that? Why do I need some human beings pampering my ego, telling me I am special, I am doing a wonderful job, when I know from within that I am being who I was created to be, and I feel the infinite joy of the flow of the River of Life through me. “

You see, my Beloved, when you are in the darkness, a little flashlight can seem like a great comfort. But when the sun is high in the sky, do you sit there staring at the flashlight, or do you look up at the sun? For truly, my Beloved, there are many people on Earth who do follow the lesser light of the moon, even when the sun has risen. But those who are the saints, those who are the overcomers, those who have ascended, are those who look for the sun within themselves, who see that Sun of the I AM Presence, and who follow it, never again looking back to the moon. You might have needed the moon at some point, but when you connect to who you really are, you no longer need it, and you can let it drop away from you and never again have expectations or desires that human beings should treat you a certain way.

What does it matter to you, my Beloved? Why would those who have the Spirit of God ever need approval of those who are in the serpentine consciousness? Be they among the people, be they in Church leadership, be they in the governments, be they in the media, be they among the rich or the powerful and the high and the mighty, why do you need it? Why do you think Christ stood in the hills and preached to the common people? Why do you think that I did the same most of the time? It was indeed because we realized that that is where you find those who are open-minded, those who are the meek who shall inherit the Earth.

And my Beloved, when you look back at history, look at those who are the high and the powerful. Look at the empires they have built of various kinds. Well my Beloved, have they not all crumbled? And so can you not look at the empires that you have today and say, “They too will crumble, for the ever-moving flow of the River of Life will wear them away, will smoothen them out, for the high shall be made low by the passage of time.”

And so the meek shall inherit the Earth, the meek being those who are willing to go beyond the dualistic games of playing either Lord or follower, Master or slave. But indeed, being the independent ones who say, “I do not need to control other people, nor do I need someone to control me and tell me what to do. For I am willing to take responsibility for my own path, and make my own choices.”

This is the difference between those who have overcome and those who are still in the dualistic state, where they suffer and have joy and suffer and have joy, and suffer and have joy in an endless cycle—that will not end until you make the decision that “Enough is enough!” and you will no longer play the game.

We all had our challenges
My Beloved, one more note on idolatry: I did have a spiritual vision, but I can assure you that when I came to this island and felt the mass consciousness literally seeking to push me into the sea, I had my moments where I was wondering if this was indeed possible. And I only overcame it by being willing to surrender the expectations, and I only surrendered those expectations by making the decision to let it go. The decision that I am not the doer, for it is God within me who is the doer.

I tell you this because I want you to realize that even for the most spiritually mature people, such as Jesus himself, there are indeed times when your vision is clouded because as yesterday, when you were ascending that mountain, you were literally walking in a dense cloud and you can see only a few yards ahead. And there are times on the path for anyone, where all you can do is to lean forward against the wind, bend the head and determine to keep putting one foot in front of the other until you pass through that cloud and the weather clears.

My Beloved, so many people look back at Jesus’ life, at my life, at Mother Mary's life and say, “Oh it must have been easy for them, they never had any doubts, they never had any problems, they never encountered any difficulties.”

But we all did, you see. And so why did we make it? Was it because we were special? Yes indeed, we were special. Was it because we were stronger? Yes indeed we were stronger. Why were we special, why were we stronger? Because we decided to take one more step than the person who gave up. You see, my Beloved, how do you win the race? By always taking one more step than you think is possible or necessary.

For I tell you, truly, as long as there is that doubt in your own being, the forces of this world will pound on you relentlessly as the winds yesterday showed no signs of stopping, no compassion whatsoever. And so the only way to make it through, is to not let it bother you because you are not attached. You do not have an expectation that it should be easy. I must tell you that so many sincere well-meaning spiritual people have been awakened to the spiritual path, have started doing some outer work, but they have had an expectation that if they were willing to sacrifice themselves, to sacrifice a part of their life in order to promote the spiritual teachings, well then somehow God would make it easy for them.

This is something all of you have seen if you will be honest, in yourself and in others. Certainly, these two messengers have seen it in their own lives. And yet they were willing to re-asses their expectations, realize their expectations were not realistic, and then keep following their vision, their inner vision, and just sharing their light and their teachings they have received, no matter what the outer response was. And this is how you will win, this is how you will overcome.

For then you come to that point where there is no resistance in you, so the wind can blow right through you. And then you can move as if there was no wind of the mass consciousness. You see what I am saying, my Beloved? They Holy Spirit is a mighty wind. And yes, the Holy Spirit is stronger than any wind on Earth. So theoretically, if you have a sufficient flow of the Holy Spirit, you can resist any of the forces on Earth.

But do you see that in this Aquarian age we are calling you to come up higher, to go beyond the dualistic game and say, “We will not seek to gain the Holy Spirit in order to push against the false spirits, and impress them with some trickery or some outer physical manifestation. We will instead seek the even higher spirit, the Spirit that is beyond duality that does not push against the forces of this world.” It simply blows right through them, reaching those who are open-minded and have open hearts to the true non-dualistic universal, timeless, eternal, triumphant teachings of Christ that are being brought forth in this age, and shall continue to be brought forth throughout the Aquarian Age as long as there are hearts who are open and mouths who are willing to speak the Living Word, which is truly the only way that the teachings of Christ can be brought forth in their pure form.

For my Beloved, you can go back and read these words in a book, but will you get the same flow in the voice that is speaking? And as this messenger said earlier about the dictation given on the mountain yesterday,* if anyone thinks that a human being can have that power, well they do not understand the Spirit. For surely there is a flow of the Spirit, and there could be an even greater flow of the Spirit, and might be in the future, if it is necessary.

Our vision for this movement
But I tell you, my Beloved, we are not out to produce an impressing display in front of 50 000 people, where we have people fall over and jump out of wheel chairs. For that is not our aim with this movement. Our aim is to awaken those who do not need these outer manifestations. Because, as I said yesterday, they know what is true in their hearts.

And so my Beloved, what is it we desire to see for this new movement. Well, we do not desire to see two people who have the flow of the Spirit. We desire to see many who have the flow of the Spirit in various forms and capacities. And so my Beloved, the same God that is in me is in you. The same God that was in Christ Jesus when he walked the Earth is in you right now at this moment. The difference is that Jesus was willing to say, “Not my will but thine be done. I and my Father are one so my Father can do whatever he wants to do through me. And whatever words I receive from my Father, I will speak them to the people.”

Jesus was willing to let the God in him out of the box. When you become willing to do the same thing, surely that God will work through you, according to your divine plan. So the question is, again, when will you be willing to do this? When will you be willing to let go of your expectations and your conditions? For you see, my Beloved, those expectations and conditions have exactly the effect of preventing God from working through you, for God will not violate your free will.

So if you have an expectation that the Holy Spirit should flow only in certain ways, well then the Holy Spirit will not flow through you. It simply cannot be, for in the Aquarian Age, the Holy Spirit will only flow through those who are in the River of Life, the river of self-transcendence, and who are willing to demonstrate that river by being willing to transcend themselves on a daily basis, never saying “This cannot be done,” never saying “This should be such and such.”

So you see my Beloved, do not be disturbed by anything, do not be disturbed by a sudden noise, do not be disturbed by other people’s reactions and their thoughts. Being who you are is the absolute requirement for making your ascension. You cannot enter the kingdom of God permanently until you have demonstrated that you are willing to be the Christ in front of the world and the condemnation of the world. For only in being willing to demonstrate that, to endure the scorn and the ridicule and the persecution of the world, can you truly demonstrate to yourself my Beloved that you have attained total non-attachment to the things of this world.

For you see, my Beloved, the ultimate test is to let those who are the scornful do and say whatever they want to say, and just turn the other cheek. For when you feel in your Being that no matter what they send at you, it will not touch that infinite peace in your heart, well then you know that you have overcome your expectations, your attachments, your conditions.

And that is when you can then fulfill the final requirement for the ascension. Which is that you are willing to turn away from this world, to face the gate to the spiritual world and take that final step that brings you through that gate forever, so that you permanently leave the Earth behind. And this, my Beloved, is sometimes the most difficult test. And I can assure you that even for Jesus and myself this was a difficult test, for we still had a desire to see our work come to fruition and benefit other people.

But in the end, we had to be willing to say that if nothing visible had come out of our efforts on this Earth, we were still willing to leave the Earth behind. For if we had not been willing to do this my Beloved, what would have happened? Well, we would have had to come back into embodiment, would we not? Until we came to the point where we felt we could let go of the expectations and the conditions and walk that final step that permanently raised us above this world, regardless of the conditions in this world.

And so my Beloved, I thank you for enduring with me during this long discourse, but I wanted to give you a feel for my true Being. And so I deemed it more comfortable for you that I did not do that on the mountain yesterday, and surely this messenger appreciates my concern.

Thus my Beloved, once again I seal you in the ascension coil of Patrick, the Ascended Master. I give you a portion of my Peace, the peace that I found inside myself, the peace that helped me become non-attached to the serpents of this world, therefore rising above them as if they had never existed.

Thus, I say to you, “BE in the Peace of the Ascended Master Patrick.”
Thus, it is done!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,from

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